food Scary Hot Strawberry-Raspberry Jam

I made some jam the other day, mostly based on Nigel Carter's Strawberry Surprise recipe. I bumped up the specs a little, and used powdered pectin instead of liquid. I have a hard time getting the liquid pectin to set. I mixed the pectin with the sugar, so it went into the batch near the beginning instead of at the end. With exception of Reaper Puree, this is some of the hottest anything I have ever made. The working title I have for it is 'Four Peppers of the Apocalypse Straw-Raspberry Death Jam'.
2 lbs strawberries
6 oz raspberries
4.5 cups sugar
juice from 5 limes
1 box sure jell powdered pectin
32 superhots, 8 each of Reaper, Primo, Devil's Heart, and Buckeye Butchlah




Not-Polaner All Fruit lol

It yielded nine 8oz jars (Well eight, plus a re-purposed Polaner All-Fruit jar). I really need to use 4oz jars for this. A little will last a long time. The first taste of this was from licking a spoon that was coated with the jelly. I started swallowing uncontrollably, like my throat was contracting. Salivating like crazy, and nose started running. Felt a glowing warmth descent down through my chest. The flavor is excellent. The sugar and strawberries dominate, and that's all you really taste initially, followed by a blast of heat. I imagine it'll make great PB&J.
Wow! Does that ever look & sound awesome! Certainly didn't hold back on the heat with this.....those Devil's Hearts are no joke. You'd certainly be in for a rude awakening (literally) if you ever sleepily grabbed a middle-of-the-night snack or something and reached for this!
Can only imagine the terror that would ensue if this was entered into a local fairs' 'Jelly& Jam' competition - with all the nice & sweet entries by all the little ol' grey/silver haired ladies beside you. Haha!  :twisted:  We have a local strawberry festival in my area every year....won't see any 'Death Jam' there though! 
Great job Peter.
tctenten said:
Looks great. I use Nigel's recipe as well and love it. That has to be really hot. I used 10 Bahamian Goats in my last batch and had a nice balance of sweet and heat. Enjoy it!
I bet the Bahamian Goat jelly was awesome.
Alchymystic said:
Wow! Does that ever look & sound awesome! Certainly didn't hold back on the heat with this.....those Devil's Hearts are no joke. You'd certainly be in for a rude awakening (literally) if you ever sleepily grabbed a middle-of-the-night snack or something and reached for this!
Can only imagine the terror that would ensue if this was entered into a local fairs' 'Jelly& Jam' competition - with all the nice & sweet entries by all the little ol' grey/silver haired ladies beside you. Haha!  :twisted:  We have a local strawberry festival in my area every year....won't see any 'Death Jam' there though! 
Great job Peter.
I guess the samples would have to be taken with toothpicks :)