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    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


So, I placed an order with NMSU's Chile Insitute last Wednesday. I ordered NuMex Jalmundo, Aji Limon, Datil, and Red Caribbean Habanero. I received a package yesterday, but the wrong order was placed in the package with the other customer's personal information included. Instead I got two packs of Bhut Jolokia, one Datil, and one NuMex Conquistador.

Today I contacted the Chile Institute by email saying that I was disappointed that I received the incorrect order, and that I was more concerned that a stranger probably received my personal information as I did.

I got a reply within fifteen minutes:

I am so sorry for this mix-up, I have students that help package and process orders. I completely understand your concern in a complete stranger having your address and e-mail and I am working very hard to make sure something like this doesn't happen again. We will get you the correct seeds in the mail today, please keep the seed you received. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do.

So because of their mistake I scored 2 packs of Bhut Jolokia seeds from a good source which would have cost me $12.00 plus the additional pack of Datil and the Conquistador. And I get my original order resent at no additional cost.

Kudos to the management at the Chile Insitute for resolving this error so quickly and courteously! :onfire:
I've seen the same "I'm sorry" email myself. They have always jumped on fixing any problems I've had too so even if they're not perfect they stay on top of the issue until it is resolved. Got to love that.

Best of luck with the seeds.
Yes, I really hate getting the run-around with these kind of issues. But I am really impressed with the response, especially how quickly it happened. Here's to hoping the make the same mistake again ... lol JK

I just hope the other guy that probably got my seeds sees this post so he can get the same deal!
Ultimatley for small items such as seeds and cheap mini-lathes, it is easier to just let the customer keep the original, instead of shipping it back, as the return shipping and labor costs in the recieving eat the profits from the order.

Congrats though. You will probably need the extra Bhut seeds. I had 4 seeds germ out of 2 packs. Lost the 2 that took 3 months to pop.
Thats awesome, Not only did you get some free seeds , but the ones I've gotten from there are always great quality and germ rate! Bigtime WIN!
Congrats on the score and kudos to you for letting them know your order was wrong and being polite about it. Good kharma ;)