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chinense Scotch bonnet or habanero?

Scotch bonnet or habanero?

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I don't know if this has been posted before but I searched and didn't see it. I was thinking about it today so:

Do you like scotch bonnets or habaneros more?

Bonnets for me. I like their taste more and they are easily just as hot.
Id have to say Habs just for the simple fact that there are so many of the out there!
I tried a Cappuccino hab once and the flavor was fantastic.

It really is close though
I've tried a lot of varieties of both species and I agree with megahot, it's pretty close. However the Bonnet have this more clear fruity aroma and hardly any of that typical smoking Chinense flavor and smell. So I'm for Bonnets.
I'll have to go with bonnets, but it is a tough choice. Orange habs I can live without, but red habs are delicious! All bonnets I tried this year were outstanding though. There's just something about their flavour that keeps me wanting more.