health Scotch Bonnet seeds

Hello everyone, I have never had problems germinating Scotch Bonnets before, but this year will they germinate? No, nope, nada, nothing - they've been potted in the best compost (as usual), loved and cared for as usual. So I've started again, usual compost etc. etc. but this time I've put a heat mat under them - still nothing. What have I done wrong? Why do they hate me so much :D? Any tips gratefully received
If they all sprouted last year with the same technique and how the same seeds will not sprout, my guess is they went bad from possibly a storage issue? Did they get moist or too hot in any way from last year to this year?

…. Either that or if they are from a different source maybe they came bad.
If they all sprouted last year with the same technique and how the same seeds will not sprout, my guess is they went bad from possibly a storage issue? Did they get moist or too hot in any way from last year to this year?

…. Either that or if they are from a different source maybe they came bad.
Hi OZZZ - seeds were saved from last year's Bonnets, kept the same as always, in the dark and cool.
I guess sometimes these things just don't do what you want them to do.
Bad luck I guess. Sometimes I have to multiple fails even the seeds looked fine. What was ur temp?

This is my method:

Sorry it's in Finnish but hopeful you get the idea 🙂 I use baking paper. And I cover the seeds with one layer of baking paper
27 deg C on temperature, Reapers and Scorps have germinated but not the bonnets, win some lose some.
That's interesting with the baking paper
That temp should be fine. I like baking paper because it doesn't get mushy when wet. But I have noticed that some peppers may melt the paper. Not sure why it happens but the seeds did make a hole to the paper after two weeks.
I don't know if you do this or not, but you might try soaking them overnight in distilled or purified water. It's a good sign if they sink, too... means they have absorbed some of the water. Then you might try the old ziploc baggie paper towel trick.
I soak 'em for 3-4 days in a mix of water/distilled - wish I'd known this in previous years, they germinate in a few days.
You may be wondering (or not) why I'm running so late germinating seeds, normally I'm not germinating seeds in June - I cooked my first batch of seedlings in the greenhouse - started off a cold morning so didn't open door or window, by midday it was 40+ deg. C and I didn't get home for another 3 hours - seedlings deader than a dead thing. So had to start from scratch :(
There's no hurry I don't harvest until end of Oct/early Nov.
Bad luck I guess. Sometimes I have to multiple fails even the seeds looked fine. What was ur temp?

This is my method:

Sorry it's in Finnish but hopeful you get the idea 🙂 I use baking paper. And I cover the seeds with one layer of baking paper
What does he use under the paper ? It seems the seeds (and paper) are floating on something.
What does he use under the paper ? It seems the seeds (and paper) are floating on something.
He didn't tell but I guess it was foam or something similar that floats and does not rot. I use a piece of shoe inner sole
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... I soak 'em for 3-4 days ...

That MIGHT be a problem. I've heard that if you soak too long, the seeds can actually drown. Don't know if it's true, but I usually soak seeds for 12-24 hours, max. Just something to consider. Best of luck going forward.
That MIGHT be a problem. I've heard that if you soak too long, the seeds can actually drown. Don't know if it's true, but I usually soak seeds for 12-24 hours, max. Just something to consider. Best of luck going forward.
that could be the problem - Scorps and Reapers soaked for 4 days and I've got 100% success rate, those were fresh seeds though. Maybe my seed saving isn't as good as I thought it was