Scotch Bonnet Shape

Total noob here, so bear with me. I'm growing some scotch bonnets and I'm expecting their shape to be, well, bonnet shaped. By the looks of it, several of them are shaped like jalapenos, especially when still green. The bigger ones are about 1.5" long. Is this normal, or did I get some bunk seeds?
Ideally yes, Scotch Bonnets will have a bonnet shape. It is not always the case though. 

Believe it or not, the pod on the right is supposed to be an MoA Scotch Bonnet. Even though it looks more like a Naga, the heat and flavor were exactly the same as the more ideal, bonnet shaped pods. It was just an off pheno pod apparently. As far as what you have, is it just some of the pods on the plant that are "off", or all of them? If some pods look like normal bonnets and other pods on the same plant do not, then the oddballs are just off pheno pods. If none of the pods look like bonnets, then you are likely growing something else entirely. Also, pictures would help.
My peppers are a variety of shapes and sizes. I've run across a few that look something like the one on the left of your pic, but they are less than 50% of what my plant has produced. The others are something similar to pepper on the right of your pic, but not quite as pointy. I was expecting something like the ones on the link that ChileMan posted.
I haven't tried any of them yet, but they smell great! As long as the taste and heat is there, I'm not too concerned about the shape, but it would be nice to get that classic bonnet shape in case I ever wanted to sell some of them.
BlackFatalii said:
Ideally yes, Scotch Bonnets will have a bonnet shape. It is not always the case though. 

Believe it or not, the pod on the right is supposed to be an MoA Scotch Bonnet. Even though it looks more like a Naga, the heat and flavor were exactly the same as the more ideal, bonnet shaped pods. It was just an off pheno pod apparently. As far as what you have, is it just some of the pods on the plant that are "off", or all of them? If some pods look like normal bonnets and other pods on the same plant do not, then the oddballs are just off pheno pods. If none of the pods look like bonnets, then you are likely growing something else entirely. Also, pictures would help.
lol if you put up SFRB of MOA's here on THP they will sell regardless. 
I'm growing BahaGoats that are less than 50% perfect shape but they all taste great! and I treasure and fawn over and take pictures of the perfects ones that I do get  :dance: