pests Scotch Bonnet weird growth, aphids or could it be something else?

Hi folks,
First of all thanks to everyone that welcomed me and helped identify my aphids issue. There is one plant that doesn't look like the rest and I'm trying to figure out if it's normal, aphids issues or something else.
A quick overview of the plants so far:
  • January 16 2021 - Started from seed in my basement with two Costco shop lights, they grew well.
  • May 4 2021 - Around this date I started hardening off the plants, like 3-4 days before going fully outside I noticed some fungus gnats, didn't thought much of it since they were about to be transplanted into their final container
  • May 14 2021 - Transplanted outside to final container, each pepper got about 1/2 TBSP Blood meal and 1/2 TBSP epsom salts at transplant.
  • May 21 2021 - Around this date I applied around a tbsp of jobes Organic Heirloom Tomato and Vegetable Plant Food 2-5-3 NPK and haven't reapplied since, I also applied Schultz water soluble tomato plant food 17-18-28 at the recommended 1 tsp per gallon of water.
  • May 28 2021 - Temperature dropped at night to around 38F (4C)
  • June 6 2021 - I started noticing some weird new growth, tought it was due to the cold spell we had had, but then by inspecting closer I found some aphids under the leaves.
I sprayed completely the worst looking plant yesterday evening, with bonide's neem oil, I've gone through some threads in the forum and learnt that is not the best since it is clarified extract and not cold pressed oil, so I just ordered some azamax to follow through. I also ordered some lacewings larvae and should arrive tomorrow.
Here are the pictures of the worst looking plant, there is some bunched up growth and that is also happening on some of my other peppers, growth shootings from the base.
Could it be the combination of cold+aphids+nutrients burn? Am I fertilizing too heavily? 
First day out

Scotch Bonnet










Shoots from stem on "carolina reaper"


Also is this a ladybug larvae?

Glad you posted this though since I did not know that subtle marking difference, but it is obvious.

Saw this in the yard the other day and put it on a plant with aphids. Oh well..hopefully it's at least chomping on them suckers. Yet to have an issue with them inside. Stink bug, a different story.

Do you live in Kentucky? I planted Scotch Bonnets this year and your times and events are almost exactly my experience. I killed the bugs with Castile Soap and peppermint essential oil. Plants are small but healthy now. I think the cold was what kept them small.
aaront596 said:
Do you live in Kentucky? I planted Scotch Bonnets this year and your times and events are almost exactly my experience. I killed the bugs with Castile Soap and peppermint essential oil. Plants are small but healthy now. I think the cold was what kept them small.
Seems like new growth is looking better. It is still all bunched up but we'll see how many pods they produce.
Got some azamax as well, haven't used it since I saw some ladybugs and laid some lacewings eggs, so I'm hoping that alone takes care of the issues. 
I also backed off on the fertilization schedule and haven't seen as many aphids.