Texas Creek won 2 first place Scovies a couple years ago. I wasn't paying attention enough to all the Rules&Regulations to realize the statue is not included in the awards package but could be ordered in the "now you've won, get all the goods.." email. After all, I'd just received the trophy that comes with the Golden Chiles.......

...I did receive a few sheets of 1/2diameter ScovieAwardsDate stickers (maybe 500?1000? dunno) and 2 foot by 3 foot banners.....
like I have time to put ANOTHER sticker on a bottle....But they also do include graphics that can be used on labels, as do all( or most) competitions....
apparently, we're supposed to find how to display 2'x3' Scovie banners....and hopefully MULTIPLE banners???//// but I missed the BuyNow for purchasing a ScovieAwards trophy. That small little Flame thing that everyone covets.
Texas Creek has also won some Golden Chile awards, and they send out trophies with the win. You don't have to buy them extra.
To the promoters of the Scovie awards......Ditch the banner and pony up for the trophy for your first place winners. (aight~ I'm over it, I missed it...gotta move on, but still not beyond getting a dig in...)
As to the "report".... a couple years ago, I entered 2 very different products expecting WOW results. Don't we all~?~?~???

I paid for the "report" for those products. One was Spicy Worcestershire. I guess the report was worth it in that I will never enter that product into a competition again until the competition has a Worcestershire category.
Think about it.. if a person were a BlindTasteTestingJudge and you tasted LaVictoria, Tabasco, LuckyDog, HBD, HighRiver, and any other number of exquisite medium heat hot sauces......and then tasted Lea&Perrins Worcestershire....
How could L&P compare to those products? They can't. They are totally different products. But due to lack of categories and the lack of ability for the competition producers to have an "other" category where they could
tell the tasters
"what" they were tasting...
The comments from the Producer of the completion regarding labeling were verbatim for both entries and really did not relate to the Texas Creek "brand". Didn't seem like they actually looked at the Brand or had anything really constructive to say. I just blew them off, but what would a very new hot sauce business make of their "comments"?