Scovie showers with LDHS

you for sure dont want to drop the soap up in there!
Grout, Baby, Grout That Beotch!!!    
And that there is about how happy Scovie is while grouting......
pssst.... grout not caulk. 
If you grout right, you don't need caulk.  You can't just fling your tool all willy-nilly and hope to get it in the crack.  You need precision and finesse.  A properly grouted crack is a thing of beauty, but the satisfaction is fleeting.  Just when you think it's the Best Grout Ever!!!....  along comes another crack needing more's Never-ending!
That's why Scovie is a MasterGrouter.  Trust Me, I've been grouted by Scovie.
(everyone bow down in awe of MasterGrouter Scovie!  ) 
where's that BowDown Smilie????
oops!  thought we were in the lounge.....might need to DE this one?  ???
Thread turned out far worse than I thought. Grouting sucks. No gloves = raw hands. If you do get some in gloves... good luck with that. Grouting ceiling? Theres grout in your eye. But at least your head will be tilted back for the eyedrops because your neck/back is messed up from staring up at ceiling while grouting..

Nominated: best post in the history of the interwebs.
That was easily the best 'thats what she said' moment I've ever experienced.
PrimeTime said:
I sense there are a few different conversations going on in here....oh well... carry on  :halo:
  I have no idea what you're referring to.  :whistle:  :halo:  
JayT said:
I don't know, but I been told, that Scovie always carries a little caulk with him.