event Scovies: Timeline?

They got a hold of us either the end of October or beginning of November last year. It's nice to do the "Happy Dance" around the house a couple times a year.
DEFCON Creator said:
It's nice to do the "Happy Dance" around the house a couple times a year.

Third Place Mustard! Whoo Hoo! Not bad for a newbie!
AH! Another freaky dancing pepper! They have started to invade! This is what I have been prepping for!

: goes gets guns and kitchen knives :
Defcon HQ going on High Alert...Contacting Homunculus splinter factions around the world. Must defend The Peppers from Jon's guns and knives...

Contact with Homunculi complete...Triangulating on Jon's position...Stand by...
DEFCON Creator said:
Defcon HQ going on High Alert...Contacting Homunculus splinter factions around the world. Must defend The Peppers from Jon's guns and knives...

Contact with Homunculi complete...Triangulating on Jon's position...Stand by...

Why does my head hurt all of a sudden...
Congratulations on your Scovie Anija as many here will tell you it is a good feeling to know that your creation was well recieved. We won our first scovie back in 2000 and still brag about it.

marcosauces said:
Well... 3rd Place in the unique salsa ...not too shabby

Congrats :) !!!! Got my call today as well - Fat Kid Sauces FIRST PLACE Habanero Hot Sauce. Pretty happy over here at the Casa Huvason Stronghold.