Scoville board game. Feel the heat!

Hi there folks! My name is Josh and I'm the artist for a board game called Scoville; it's about crossbreeding hot peppers to create the most scorching varieties and win top prize at a hot pepper festival! 

We are running a Kickstarter campaign to fund the game. I'm confident we'll make our goal as we have raised nearly 25k in under two days.
(For those unfamiliar with Kickstarter, it's a "crowdfunding" site. Interested people pledge funds as backers, and if—only if— the project hits its funding goal, credit cards are charged and the backers get whatever reward their pledge involves; in Scoville's case, that'll be a copy of the published game once it has been manufactured. Scoville's publisher has run over a dozen successful Kickstarter campaigns in the past two years.)
Mostly our promotion is aimed at hobby board gamers, but letting hot pepper enthusiasts know about it too is a no-brainer. It seems like exactly the sort of thing you would love and I don't think there's anything else like it out there. No pressure of course; please check out the link yourself and decide if it's something you'd like to share. It's a fun game by a reputable publisher, and I really think it's right up your alley.
Thanks! Here's the link, and have a nice day!
Thanks guys! I had a feeling you'd like it  :fireball:
I don't have a lot of connections in the Hot Pepper communities and I don't want to just spam people and forums… but I do think that fans of the hot n' spicy would love to check this game out. Anything you guys could do to help spread the word would be a thousand times more valuable than anything I could do myself since you have relationships and credibility. So, if you like what you see, please let your friends know, share the link, and get this game to the people that are going to appreciate it!
Thanks so much!