Sea Minerals FA

I was at the Southern Plains Farm Show in Oklahoma City. There was a booth set up Selling bags of Sea Minerals FA. A Dr. Lynn and Pat Burhr from Siloam springs, Arkanasa were seling it by the pound. The product is Nitrogen 0.02%, Phosphate 0.02%, Potash 0.10%, plus water souble nutrients. It is made from dehyrating sea water and processing the residual minerals. You dissolve the crystals in water and apply it as a folier spray. It is promoted for Pastures, Hay Meadows, Cropland, Lawns, Gardens, and Shrubs. You can also feed it straight to livestock. The brochure had a small sample in it, thought what harm could it do? So I am going to try it on some peppers and tomatoes. The website is It looks like for peppers, you dilute 1 Tablespoonfull with 2 gallons of water and spray every 14 days during the growing season. Has anyone ever tried this or heard of this product? Is has instruction also for Hydrophonics. The brochure onl had testimonals no research to back up the claims!!
Umm, sea salt is made by dehydrating sea water and then processing the residuals. I do not know what the mineral content of sea salt is but I am sure that whatever minerals are in suspension when the sea water is dried will be mixed right in with the salt.

Hydroponic nutrients are all salt based. The source of the salts vary but are all salts. That is according to BG Hydro, Botanicare and GenHydro when I spoke with them. They all said the. Same thing but Botanicare was more open about it all.

So, have they done something different? If not, I sense a snake oil saleesman.