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Seasoning Pepper Help.

I'm looking to pick a couple seasoning peppers for next years garden.

I've had no experience with any and I'm looking for favorites/popular ones.

I've got room for about 2 or 3 plants.

What would you suggest?

If you are looking for peppers that taste really good, but have little or no heat, I'd suggest Champion and Lombardo!





The pod on the right is not a Lomardo, of course!
Rainbow - Thanks for that link earlier, its really what started me on this thread. I read all those and I'm really excited to grow some. Do you know how they produce? I've got limited space.... :(

Chiliac - Thanks for those. I've never heard of either. Would u suggest one over the other?
For me, Lombardo was a bit more prolific, but Champion had the better taste, although both taste great. If I had to choose, I'd grow Champion. You can get seeds for both from me (or by joining the Pass the parcel seed trade once you've got enough posts). Both varieties are great whenn it comes to the aroma.