free Seattle Area? Free Butch-T starts

If anybody in the Seattle area wants a free Butch-T start let me know.

Woah! Free!?! Id totally grab one if I lived there! Cool offer man! I bet you could get ten or more per if you wanted!!! Ps how do you like that led? And what else ya got going there bud dy? Jk:)
Woah! Free!?! Id totally grab one if I lived there! Cool offer man! I bet you could get ten or more per if you wanted!!! Ps how do you like that led? And what else ya got going there bud dy? Jk:)

I tried selling on Craigslist for $10 with no luck. They're still up on Craigslist but if somebody finds em here they can have them. I like the LED but I think I should have gone with the VEG model. But it works. It makes them really bushy.

Oh man! You won't have any trouble finding a taker. I would, but live over the mountains. I went to St. Joseph's 100 years ago, and have knocked back a few at The Garage.
Welcome to THP!
great for you HH and Betterhalf. Hope your new plants grow SUPER-charged.

Welcome to Physics and Kuumba! Nice to see more NW folks here.
welcome, earthrox.

If physicsman doesn't respond to your question, send him a PM (private message)

Great to see another NW chilehead. We have a chilehead get-together in September. I'm sending you a friend request so I can remember to send everyone info.