• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Second glog 2017

Seed list:
-Carolina reaper
-Trinidad scorpion peach
-Bhut Jolokia chocolate

My second glog ever, started a little late this year but what can you do.. Started on April 12 by germinating seeds, and today April, 21 I put 11 Trinidad scorpion peach seeds into peat pellets. Still waiting for more seeds to germinate and will update weekly on progress made. Cheers.  :dance:

moruga welder said:
Yes late is better than never , but earlier is more bountiful ,      :party:
Last year I started in the middle of January but for a while my plants didn't grow anymore and just stayed at a certain size but I think its because I didn't have room to pot up from solo cups to 1 gallons or something, or maybe it wasn't enough light for them.. 
Put most of the jalapeno seeds (left side row) in the peat pellets and also the reaper seeds (right side row). Most of the trin-peach seeds have popped (middle), but none of the bhut jolokia chocos have germinated yet they are still in a ziploc, hoping that atleast a few will germinate.

Sorry for late update got busy  :P But here are my plants.. I left for the weekend a few weeks ago and unfortunately my ghost chocolate peppers didn't survive :( so now i have jalapenos, reapers, and trinidad scorp peachs left. Also any reason for the yellowing on the top of my plants? I believe it is from over watering due to the fact when I transplanted my plants to the solo cups I filled them up with a lot of water so it would soak in to the top of the cups, and water probably sat in the bottom of the cups for a day or two. Also do you guys water in the solo cup from bottom until the water reaches the top of the soil or does it really matter? How much water should I put in the cups every watering? Thanks and cheers.  :dance:

