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seeds Seed collection from green chiles

Howdy everyone. I'm looking for some opinions on seed collection. I got my hands on some really nice looking Pablanos a while ago and decided to keep some of the seeds. As I understand it, a pod has to be fully ripe for the seeds to be viable. The Pablano pods I kept the seeds from were still green but I wondered if some of the seeds would still germinate. Has anyone had luck with anything like this?
It depends how mature green the pod was.
I guess you'll never know until you try, but select mature looking seeds
Not sure. Here is something I found though.

Pepper - Capsicum annuum

PLANT: Most home gardeners will get satisfactory results if different varieties are separated by 50 feet and another tall, flowering crop. New studies from New Mexico State University show more crossing than was previously thought. We recommend at least 400 feet between varieties to ensure absolute purity.

FLOWER: Peppers produce perfect, mostly self-pollinating flowers. Solitary bees will pollinate if a more desirable pollen is not available in the area.


HARVEST: Harvest mature, fully-ripe peppers for seed. (Most bell peppers turn red when fully mature.) If frost threatens before peppers mature, pull entire plant and hang in cool, dry location until peppers mature.

PROCESS: There are two methods, dry and wet, to process pepper seeds. The dry method is adequate for small amounts. Cut the bottom off the fruit and carefully reach in to strip the seeds surrounding central cone. In many cases, seeds need no further cleaning. To process the seed from large amounts of peppers, cut off the tops just under the stem, fill a blender with peppers and water and carefully blend until good seeds are separated and sink to bottom. Pepper debris and immature seeds will float to the top where they can be rinsed away. Spread clean seeds on paper towel and dry in cool location until seed is dry enough to break when folded.
Some of the seeds were nice, large and plump ones. I can just throw a couple in the chamber for poops and chuckles to see what happens.
someone has experience with green poblanos
some of the seeds may grow,
i found if any in the pod grow they pretty much all do
but if any will not they pretty much all will not in that/ from that pod
at least that is what i got last year
from market bought pods

but they made sex :eek: and peppers :dance:

even though now they are butt ugly (overwintered unprotected outdoors)
Yeah, depends on pod maturity me thinks. I've never tried it, but have read many accounts by folks who've had great success with "green" seeds.

Throw em in some dirt and see what happens. :)
yep, you are going to just have to try it. the seed itself contains all the necessary juices to make it grow but the seed too, is part of a maturing process and matures along with the plant. just like human babies can be born premature. pepper seed can germinate in a premature state, depending on how far along it was in its maturity.
Never had too much luck unless they're ripe. Pick the largest seeds ya never know you might get lucky. Some always have it built in em to survive.
If they were in the mature green stage when picked you should get germination but there's a good chance they were: picked too early, did a fair bit of travelling, and then sat at the grocery store for quite a while. If you say there was large plump seeds, then why not give them a try
You also have to consider that the poblano which the seeds came from could have been a hybrid, and the seeds may not grow true if they do germinate
yep, you are going to just have to try it. the seed itself contains all the necessary juices to make it grow but the seed too, is part of a maturing process and matures along with the plant. just like human babies can be born premature. pepper seed can germinate in a premature state, depending on how far along it was in its maturity.

Good to know!
Ya' never know what you are going to get at the grocery store. But they were pretty cheap and the stuffed peppers were awesome. If I get some plants from the seed, then it will just be an added bonus! :dance: :dance: :dance:
i wonder if the seeds form and mature in a specific order in the pod. so perhaps the seeds closes to the stem may be more viable than seeds lower on the placenta. (i don't know, just thinking out loud).