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seeds Seed on cotyledon remove or no touchy??

I say no touchy. Mine always just fall off by themselves. If you have some that are still attached, and others that are the same age that are dropping them, give them a VERY light tug. They usually will come right off then. If not, I just write them off as a bad seedling and go on.
I only mess with them if they are completely encasing the cotyledons. Then I mist them with water or wet them with saliva couple times a day for a couple days to soften them up before I try to remove. Usually by then they will slip right off without damaging the cots too much. I don't think the seed staying on is a sign of a bad seedling as most of the time it is caused by planting too shallow. Not enough friction to slide it off.

I never bail on a plant until there is no hope left and even then I look at it as a challenge and try some more. II had a C. Galapagoense seedling that had the tap root damaged during first pot up. I sat there and did nothing for about 2 months or so until I decided to wash the roots and put in some rockwool and see if I could wake it up. When I cleaned it off, I had the weakest root system I ever saw. So, put it in rockwool, top watered with a weak nutrient mix, and 2 weeks later it started to grow. It is now triple its size and looks great.

Good luck!
jjs7741 said:
Then I mist them with water or wet them with saliva couple times a day for a couple days to soften them up before I try to remove.

Be careful not to get them too soaked. I use the misting process as well but let them (the seed shell) dry completely before watering again. I made the mistake of keeping the shell on some too moist and the leaves turned black and rotted inside the shell and the seedling died.

Edit: Sometimes the seed shells will break open easier after Drying also. When they are wet or moist they will just stretch and sometimes still wont come off. Kind of like how a dry t-shirt tears easily while a wet one just stretches and takes a lot more effort to tear.

Best of Luck!
I would leave it alone. I killed a plant a few months ago, as I pulled too much off. Also, see my earlier post and look at pictures of my Big Jim. The seed took forever to separate. I left alone and it grew normally.
After killing a plant I just leave them alone. Have had some just grow 2 leaves up threw the two stuck in the case. Mother nature know best.
In my experience with some of my older seeds, if I hadn't taken them off, the seed coat would get too hard and the leaves never got the chance of getting out. So what I did (and have lost a few seedlings along the way) was to take off the coating with two tweezers surgeon style.

But that only has happened to the sprouts I had that were from 3 year old seeds.
look but dont touch. unless u want to score. i have had success and failures in both ways i guess it all depends how far the seed cap is on theyre and other variabls i guess i think u would prob end up killing more plants than saving imo
The worst that happened to me was I had a couple seedlings with absolutely no cotyledons whatsoever. One died. Another somehow survived and now has true leaves. Darn thing is a fighter. I love that little thing. Growth was pretty slow.

Again from 3 year old seeds.