seeds-germination Seed Starting Heating Mats...Good deals?...Alternatives?

I use the Hydrofarm mat 20x48" I think its the biggest they make. Its a sealed mat so no problems with spillage and I've done it plenty of times. Also have it on foam sheets for better heat transfer. It does get a little cold in my basement so this year I may try building a mini greenhouse over it to try and mimic a greenhouse effect.
So far it definitely has helped my germination rate. I use it for all my veggies and even the wife's flowers and bulbs. Bought mine thru Amazon, best price around.
If you dont mind it looking ghetto you could just use a cable box, but if you do make sure to put a few pencils or bottle caps or something under it to raise it up just slightly so it doesnt get too hot.
i'm still struggling to find anything fitting my needs... i've searched online and can't find reptile specific stores in tokyo.. then again, i had a hard time trying to find an aquarium shop too!.

would using a clear plastic box, with an electric blanket underneath it work? (box to act as a humidity dome, blanket underneath cause the electric blanket isnt waterproof.
i was planning to do some tests prior with a thermometer in the soil to find what setting on the blanket will give the temp i need before sowing the seeds. i don't wanna cook the poor things!