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seeds Seed Storage

So I have a little box the is meant for index cards. I don't have a pic but what I have done is labeled each index card with the name of the pepper, its hotness, and maybe one or two other pieces of info. I am outgrowing this box and literally squeezing seed packages into it. So what all do you pros and hard core seed gatherers use store and organize your seeds?


just upgrade your box?

so maybe this is a dumb question, but how long can you store seeds for?
Wow those are kinda nice and super cheap. I have heard that you should keep seeds for a max of 5 years. I don't know if you can or should do it longer but since I have only been growing for three and most of my seeds are only 1-2 years old, So based on that I still got time. :)
I use really cheap plastic tackle boxes or if you want them a little more solidly built, you can get ones that are supposed to store beads at your local craft store :)
I use an opaque plastic index card box with tabs A to Z. I file the seeds under the letters, with info on the seed packet. I keep it in the refrigerator with a bunch of "Do not eat" Silica gel packs from all the purses, shoes, etc that my wife buys. Starting to get a little full may have to get another and do A-M and N-Z.
Last year people shared seeds and some sent in the little brown paper envelope? what are they and where can I get some????? I can't find them.
do you guys do like a fall or winter seed share?

like secret santa seeds?
Look up member halo_players_junkyard, he has a thread called US seed trading parcel. Give it a look over and it will give you a good idea of how it works. It's pretty cool, and you can get a ton of different seeds.
Thank you all for the help. That idea of getting a 3 ring binder (which I have a ton of not being used) and putting the seeds into coin envelopes and then into the baseball card spot on a page is an awesome idea that I may just need to do.