seeds Seed storage

So now that most of this years seeds have been started, I'm left with over 200 seeds for future growing.
What is the best way to store them?
I have read so much on the net about this and some of the info is conflicting. I'd rather know what you all do.   
Delta said:
So now that most of this years seeds have been started, I'm left with over 200 seeds for future growing.
What is the best way to store them?
I have read so much on the net about this and some of the info is conflicting. I'd rather know what you all do.   

Great question I will keep an eye on this thread.

Also, if you harvest your own do they need to be dried?
My storage is:
2" x 4" zip lock jewelry bags filed in hardboard trays.
Trays homemade to stack two high inside 'baby wipe' box.
(Snap lock plastic container)
Box stored in bottom drawer of veggie crisper of refrig.
I dry them and put them in discarded lathe tooling containers and stash them in the storage area for canned goods in the basement.  Or in small manila envelopes, it depends on how many I have of a specific variety.
I guess the refrigerator is the most common choice. I always assumed it would be too humid. I'll try to get ahold of some silica beads and keep a few packs in the container.
Thank you all!
I took a one year horticulture class a few years back and my teacher kept seeds in a coffee can in the refrigerator. So that's what I've done ever since and it's worked fine for me.