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seeds Seed Trading

Gardebweb pepper forum usually has a big trade.
also there is a seed train on here.
usually people do trading around November/December.
is there something in particular you want...?
Mvulcan said:
Does anyone have seeds that they are willing to trade. If so can you please list them?
Dude, you're going to have to put a bit more effort into it than that...  ;)
You really can't expect everyone here to stop what they are doing and write a big list of their stock without a clue as to what, if any, seeds you might have to offer in exchange.
Suggest you post a message in the Forum Ads section, detailing what YOU have and what you are looking for.
Be specific, and don't get greedy. 
For best results, buy a few bags from one of the better vendors so that you'll have 'neat' seeds to tempt people with.
Yeah I have some seeds in a pill bottle on the counter, some in envelopes in the basement, a bunch still in peppers, the ones I threw into my compost, and the rest are scattered everywhere.  :dance:
Anyone up for starting a UK seed train? I can stump up the cost for the first international ship out. We could then send the box on a tour of the UK and ship it back to the original sender in the US before it does an American Tour.

That would be REAL seed sharing!