seeds-germination Seedling Advice

Hi all, well I didn't use a fish tank to start my seedlings, here is a couple of pictures of what I have:


I'm growing 9 differant types of hot peppers and some tomatoes and sweet peppers and they all have started to germinate. Thank god:)

My question is at what point do I remove the heat pads? The temp in the house is between 65-70 at all times so is that good from now forward? I also plan to thin each cell down to one seedling in about a week. Thanks for any advice.
I would ween them off the pad (fast enought to have them off it in one week or less). As for right now, I would thin them out to one plant per cell.
Good start Ed but now you need to get your light closer to your little seedlings because they look like they are reaching for more light. The more light the better and as soon as you thin your seedlings you better think about potting them up.
Since they are leggy (thanks for mentioning that PRF), set up a fan and have a light breeze blowing on them to help strengthen them up.

Thanks all for the advice, I have lowered the lights and will thin the seedlings out this weekend. Pepper Sprouts, hummm.