seeds-germination Seedling are dying. Looks like a pest need help to fix or start over.

I'm afraid the odds are against him, but 95% seems to be very harsh.

It surely wouldn't hurt to start some extra plants in another room, just to be on the safe side.
You can also buy some "DE " diateomous earth" and dust the leaves with a bulb duster. It kills aphids. Looks like you can use a little of nitrogen.
Try to keep a fan running if moisture is getting high.
CAPCOM said:
they will be of little effect unless they stay and lay lots and lots of eggs
So, hit any emerging aphids with the insecticide / swab combo.  I'm not making this up, the technique works very well.  (shrug...)
This is exactly where you start to be counter productive and get nowhere and end up losing. Releasing lady bugs and then hitting the infestation with insecticide. Lady bugs are susceptible as well.
I have had a bad Aphid infestation and tried everything chemical wise including neem oil. the little buggers never seem to go away. These infested everything I tried to overwinter (so ladybugs weren't exactly an option). I ended up throwing most of the plants (and soil) out except for 10 of the smaller ones (in 6 inch pots).
I brought these to my office to sit in a South facing window. I ended up just rinsing the leaves off every 4 days in the break room sink whether I saw bugs or not. turned the pot sideways and ran water gently over each leaf and branch (have to make sure you actually rub them gently because those evil suckers cling very well). This seems to work the best and the branches and leaves that didn't drop off are now pretty hardy.
I do get a bug or two that shows up every week and sometimes an egg but I have kept it in control.
Total pain in the ass and I hope it was worth it once I plant them back outside in the spring. 
Anyhow, not helpful info unless you like the idea of washing each one periodically...
Aphid free!!!
Or just about.
What did I do?
Scorched earth! I got rid of all OW's. And infested plants.
My wife's Hibiscus is in the grow room and attracts the aphids to the flowers when budding up. The hibiscus is a hardy plant and can withstand pyrethrin sprayed on its foliage and not burn or stress in any way. Buds are forming regularly and only a bug here or there. They quickly get sprayed or rubbed out. PUN intended.
Well here is an update. Gave the lady bugs over a week to do there thing. Didn't help much. So went ahead and washed the seedlings and leaves with a peroxide and liquid soap mix. And replanted in new soil. Took back the sprays to Home Depot. Now planning on driving back out to rebuy them. Put them outside for a few days and the lady bugs are all gone as of this morning. So hoping the sprays will do there job to prevent the aphids from returning. Here is what they look like today. No new growth but still in bad shape. Lost about seven which were just to wilted or beyond making a bounce back. Sucks lost my really wanted ones. But got my back up seeds germinating as well. So looking forward to them sprouting any day now. Thanks again guys for all your help and info. Uou guys and gals rock.

Current seedlings that I'm hoping will make a return.
Good luck! I hope that your surviving seedlings do well.
I haven't had any luck with any sort of chemical use for battling aphids. Anything that I try has left my plants super angry. I have had success rinsing the leaves with water while I use my hands to rub the aphids off and then manually picking off any that I miss. It's not a quick task since I have about 70 plants but it seems to be keeping the population down until I can get them outside in May. I find 1 or 2 aphids every few days still but have managed to avoid any further infestations. Originally they came in on one of my overwinters (that has since died from trying to attack the aphids with chemicals).
They will appear again, though you got rid of the majority. Keep monitoring the plants closely and search for aphids relentlessly. Aphids don't suck Juice, but they just puncture the tissue and Let the sap pressure fill them up. So look in soft parts where a lot of juice is going. i.e. young leaf growth, buds etc.
bucdout57 said:
Well here is an update. Gave the lady bugs over a week to do there thing. Didn't help much. So went ahead and washed the seedlings and leaves with a peroxide and liquid soap mix. And replanted in new soil. Took back the sprays to Home Depot. Now planning on driving back out to rebuy them. Put them outside for a few days and the lady bugs are all gone as of this morning. So hoping the sprays will do there job to prevent the aphids from returning. Here is what they look like today. No new growth but still in bad shape. Lost about seven which were just to wilted or beyond making a bounce back. Sucks lost my really wanted ones. But got my back up seeds germinating as well. So looking forward to them sprouting any day now. Thanks again guys for all your help and info. Uou guys and gals rock.

Current seedlings that I'm hoping will make a return.
Some of these may make it being outdoors. Natural predators(whatever they may be in Ca) will seek out aphids.
Sorry to hear you lost some plants.  I am getting in on this conversation late, but I would back the folks suggesting the ladybugs.  For the past two years, my OW plants brought in aphids.  Last year, I tried to manually removed them, then tried pesticides and neither worked.  I bought a bunch of ladybugs and a netting and over the course of a couple of weeks, the aphids were gone.  This year, I noticed the aphids early and purchased ladybugs again.  Released all of them (hundreds) and put the netting up.  This time, a week later, all aphids and shells were gone.  They have not come back.  99% of the ladybugs have perished.  I still see one from time to time.
Thus, I will assume every year I try to OW, I will get aphids and I will kill them with a sea of ladybugs.  It works.
It's official all but one made it. All seedling were dead or extremely wilted. Now waiting for the back up seeds to sprout to give it a second try. Lesson learned. I will be monitoring more frequently and will be using liquid soap more often. Thanks again guys for all your help.
In NorCal. Have been battling aphids for the past three weeks. Don't think I lost anything yet. But, starting to harden them off and a dozen or so are outside now. Figure someone will come along and eat them.
Anyways, inside, I think I get rid of them and they come back a few days later. I just run my fingers and smoosh them, then rinse of the plant with a spray bottle.Went nuclear with a spray once and that worked temporarily.
They prefer the scorps and habs and pretty much left the locoto and annums alone.