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seeds Seedling leaves thin yellow curling inward

Good evening everyone,

So my seedlings are a few weeks old and most are doing awesome. I had them under 300 watt leds for 14 hours a day then once they had a set of true leaves and started their second set I moved them under the 1000 watt metal halide at about 48" for 20 hours a day. All varieties are flourishing except for the firecrackers. All seeds are from pepper joes. The firecrackers and one or two other plants including a prik chi faa and maybe a kung pao are curling inward like tacos, are very very pale yellow and the leaves are paper thin. Like I said though the other 40 plants are doing excellent so I'm a bit confused. I'm thinking maybe I transitioned them a bit too fast to the intense light possibly. Or maybe they are a bit more sensitive to temperature drops than the other varieties. The temp dropped down to about 55 Fahrenheit for a few nights in the grow shed. They're all in fox farm ocean forest with no fertilizer added and watered with healthy bacteria and fungus colonies through a product named recharge. Will provide pics as soon as I can tomorrow. Thanks for any help.
Interesting... few questions for you if you don't mind; Did yours experience a temp dip at all? What soil are you using and did you add any fertilizer? How are your other plants looking? Did you transplant at the same time as I did? And is yours a similar variety? Thanks!
If they leaves turned into paper they're burnt, if not its probably nutrient lock due to a drainage issue.  What kind of pots are they in, and dont say plastic cups.  Could also be ph, could be a chunk of peat or something in there throwing off the ph or even too much organic material making it "hot".  Without pics its all speculation.
Copy, thanks for the ideas. They're all in plastic 16 oz Dixie cups with 2 large 3/8" holes in the bottom. What's wrong with these cups, poor drainage? If so I'll pop some more holes in them. I didn't add any perlite to the cups because I noticed ocean forest mixed with perlite dries out the soil a little too quick for this small amount of container volume, but that may be a possible problem you're describing. I didn't add any dolomite lyme because I figured they'll only be in this cup for a few weeks and it's supposedly initially ph balanced. I'll definitely post pics as soon as I get a chance.
I took pics but have to figure out how to post. Anyways, great news, after about 24 hours of moving the plants out of the direct light underneath, a few of the firecrackers are making a comeback. I'm not sure if it's coincidence or not. Also I noticed on one of them the leaves were bleaching slightly in a few blotchy areas. I'll try to figure out how to post the pics but am happy to see that a few are making a quick comeback.
I dont know which pics are yours and Im not reading the whole thing to find out.  If anything you could just link the pic. I just use photobucket.  Glad to hear theyre doing better. The problem with plastic cups is theyre not pots.  They dont drain right no matter how many holes you put in them.  Plastic pots are cheap, or make pots from paper or even better soil blocks.  perlite actually holds water so it shouldnt make the mix dry out.  If the leaves were papery at the edges it could be poor drainage or if the spots are in the middle of the leaves I would say the lamp was burning them. 