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container Seedling not growing at all


Does anybody know what might be wrong.

I Planted 5 germinated Reaper seeds from a paper towel in this pot. 4 of them sprouted, but a couple days later they all died, this one however has remained the same size for 2 weeks now. The pot is on a window ledge, gets about 5 hours of sun and pretty warm most of the time. Why did the rest die and this one hasn't grown at all.

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I haven't been watering it too much, the top soil is dry but its still moist below so i havent watered for a few days. I was watering it completely and let the water drain every 3 days. Maybe that was a bad idea. Now i just spray the top a bit every 2 days
if it were me - I would put this little feller into a smaller pot and water only from the bottom, i.e. put water in a saucer, sit pot in it for 5 mins to draw up whatever water it needs, job done!
Sometimes watering from the top too early can drown the poor little things :D I know because I did it last week and lost 3 sproutlings :oops:
I was doing that in my double cups, but im still not sure how much water to use? It seems to soak up everything. Do i keep refilling the cup/saucer until the top of the soil is wet?
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if they're only seedlings they don't need a huge amount of water, I'm only speaking for what I would do.
Sit in a saucer of water, let the pot take up water for 5 mins. This encourages the roots to work downwards for water and grow stronger.
The top of the soil doesn't have to be wet. It's the roots that need water.
Although I wouldn't do that at the moment, the pot already looks wet enough - wait until it dries out a lot.
Overwatering can kill small peppers or cause problems with oedema.
I germinated it in paper towels so i thought i would go straight to a bigger pot because it already germinated and i planted 5 others with it but this was the lone survivor, but ill move it to a cup
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They do awesome in cups and very easy to maintain proper air flow and moisture.