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seeds seedling not looking so hot...

First timer here, so please be nice :) I've learned so much from your community here!

From 4 seeds, I have a single bhut jolokia seedling that grew to a decent size. (lost 2 to helmet head, and one never started). Everything looked great a week ago when I planned on transferring it to a DWC bucket for my first dabbles into hydroponics, but the store was out of hydroton. Things have started to look bad for this little guy. The older leaves are turning thin and white (really, much closer to pale green/white than yellow). Here is the best picture I could take:

DSC01825 by hithisishal, on Flickr

Any guesses on what this is? Nutritional? Environmental? Root-bound?

The plant gets 13 hours under a pair of T8s, I THINK I am watering correctly. The past couple of days have been relatively cool, but I don't think the indoor temperature dropped below 68 or so (I know, I need a thermometer. It's on the list). The week before that was hot. The indoor temperature probably peaked in the high 80s/low 90s. It is in miracle grow seed starting mix which has some fertilizer in it, but I just gave it a couple of pellets of food as well.

The real question is, do you think I should try to transplant it this weekend, or fix something where it is now and wait for it to perk up a bit?


edit: the leaf on the left is light because of glare. The one on the right is closer to how it looks in real life.
Plant looks pretty healthy too me. Just a little fert burn on the ends. I would get it out of that miracle grow soil and pot up to a one gallon .

+1 A little fert burn and a little pale, but nothing too worrisome. It is a little too big to last much longer in that size "pot".

Move it out`.