seeds Seedlings have flopped!

Hi all,
I'm sorry if this topic has already been asked, but some of the seedlings i have grown are flopping!
It's my first time growing from seed so there is a lack of experience, but I sowed some New Mex Twilight, some Fire crackers and some Bhut Jolokias. They all started off nicely in a heated propagator and looked nice and healthy, the New Mex appear to be the healthiest looking as they are nice and green with the second set of leaves now coming through. The Fire crackers have a few that look nice however there are some that are still small and not as vibrant as the New Mex! the Bhut Jolokia are some what tall and spindly. the last few days however one of the three But Jolokias has flopped over and one of the fire crackers have done the same! I haven't changed anything and are watering them every few days keeping the soil just moist, but the other day i was away so had someone water them whilst i was away which they did but fed them with a weak amount of Miracle Grow! 
As you may see the Fire cracker has one strong seedling but the other three are smaller and look a little weaker, and the other seedling near the back ( Cayenne and Bhut ) have a few ones that have flopped.
I'm not sure if it was that has caused the problem and little confused as to what has happened!!
any advise would be greatly appreciated,
Many thanks,
Thanks for the replies, I will be transplanting them tomorrow and will bury them to the cotyledons. Thanks for the information, hopefully they will do well!
Leo_Rossini27 said:
Thanks for the replies, I will be transplanting them tomorrow and will bury them to the cotyledons. Thanks for the information, hopefully they will do well!
That will indeed be a good next step, but also really make sure to get enough light on them (e.g. T5/T8, or LED bulbs), so that they don't continue the stretching behaviour which caused your legginess the first time.

After that, should be smooth sailing with that nice selection of peppers! :)

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