seeds Seedlings turning yellow

I have a couple seedlings, all from the same variety, turning yellow while the others seem to be doing well. Could this be bacteria or some type of disease? I just recovered from losing about 10-15(I lost count:-/) 1 month old plants due to an out break of what seemed to be leaf spot, and so I'm nervous about keeping anymore sick plants around the healthy ones. I gave these fellas some magnesium twice in the past week and they seem to only be getting worse. Any ideas?


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Most of those seedlings look about ready to be potted up into solo cups with a decent potting soil. The yellowing ones don't look sick to me, just hungry. I would pot up all but the smallest and youngest ones, and go from there. Make sure they all have enough light as well, of course.
Looks like over watering. Set up in some new soil, Use a container with some bottom drainage, are you bottom feeding or watering from the top? I have had very good luck with bottom feeding and misting once a day or or so.
That's what I'm working on now:) I have them going in 4" x 4" pots, miracle grow moisture control potting soil, a super light dash of Osmocote slow release fert, and some extra perlite. I used mycorrhizae fungi inoculate when transplanting the last batch(that's when I was trying to be full organic) but had terrible results like I have mention. I don't know if it is to blame, but not taking my chances.


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When I transplanted into the solo cups for my "rack unit" I buried a tablespoon of epsom salt in the hole before placing the plant in. I also buried the stems up to the "seed leaves" (I'm not a plant wiz so I don't know the technical term) they all seem to be doing very well. I used a mixture of potting soil, perlite and an organic soil with a good amount of compost cow manure. Drains well, doesn't take forever to dry out and the roots seem to be very happy. My glog has quite a few pics of their progress.
I agree with Moruga Welder and Black Fatali... if you check out my Glog, I ran into the same issue this year. I waited too long to pot them up and they ran out of nutes. I'll be updating my Glog tonight, but a couple seedlings that were about 4 weeks behind the first set have already almost caught up to the first set of plants. My second batch I potted up super early when the first set of true leaves were about half inch long, and they never slowed down at all. I had multiple issues with my first set, all caused by mistakes I made. I'll talk about that in my Glog later though.
They're all potted up and enjoying their first dose of organic sunshine (it's an overcast day so I don't think it'd be too strong for them). The older plants I had concerns about in an earlier post are doing much better since I've laid off on the ferts. I had one more hit by leaf spot, but I started throwing them away as soon as I noticed they had it and the outbreak seems to be over now.


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