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seeds seedlings

jedisushi06 said:
i like to transplant when the plant has used up all it's alloted root space.
The roots grow down to start with, then when they fill up the alloted space they will start to grow up the sides of the original container.  
What I'm not getting from the Solo Cup concept:

It seems counter intuitive as prevailing wisdom here (I think?) is more aeration, the better? Are you poking holes into the bottom?

Finally, today I had my first two sprouts poke through (Biker Billy's Jalapeños) so I'm seeking the same advice as the OP.

Thanks Mo
I cut holes in the bottom corners to let water out.  Plants do fine, like with terra cotta pots.  It's only temporary, anyway.
I transplant mine when they get 2 sets of true leaves. I've been using solo cups for a few years now. Much cheaper than buying a bunch of small pots. I put them in stacks of about 20 and drill 5 holes 1/4" in diameter through the bottoms of all 20 at once. One in the center and four around the outside edge. Then I take the cells out of my seed trays and use the seed starting trays to catch the excess water.

Only bad experience I ever had with them was I left the plants in the cups too long once and they got so root bound that the roots plugged the drain holes and they could not drain excess water and started turning yellow. But that was my fault. The plants got to be 12" tall or so in those cups.

I still use them though, I just pay more attention now and don't leave them in the cups so long.