• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

馃尡The Pepper Maniac 2022馃尡

Okay so it's time to start the 2022 glog here at THP! Last year we started everything on January 1st and I think they were a little too big and root bound by the time May came around for plant out. Thinking that may of stunted the plants slightly so we are starting this year February 1st to see if that makes any difference. I'll include some pod porn and last year's plants cause we all know everyone on THP loves pictures.

The list for 2022 as of Jan. 20th 2022

1. K.S. Yellow Starburst
2. Dragons Breath
3. White Bubble Gum 7
4. Chocolate Bubble Gum 7
5. Star Scream
6. Gold Reaper
7. Peach Reaper
8. Red Reaper
9. Gold Reaper TX strain
10. Peach Reaper
11. White Reaper
12. Peach Ghost Jami
13. Blood Ghost TX strain
14. Red Ghost
15. Chocolate Bhutlah
16. Gold Bhut
17. Chocolate Ghost Jami TX strain
18. White Ghost Scorpion
19. Yellow Kraken Scorpion
20. Peach Scorpion
21. Yellow 7 Pot
22. 7 Pot Cinder F6 TX strain
23. 7 Pot Primo
24. Yellow 7 Pot Primo
25. Primotalli
26. Yellow Moruga Scorpion
27. Caramel Moruga
28. White Moruga
29. Pink Tiger x Moruga
30. Space X F3
31. Yellow Daisy Cutter
32. Naga Tiger DD
33. God Stopper
34. T-Rex Butterscotch
35. Naga Brain Yellow
36. Death Spiral
37. Ghostly Jalapeno
38. Jalapeno TAM
39. Orange Jalapeno
40. Yellow Jalapeno
41. Sugar Rush Peach Striped
42. Sugar Rush Stripy
43. Aji White Fantasy
44. Peruvian White Bullet
45. Golden Thai
46. Thai
47. White Thai
48. Peppa Dew Orange
49. Peppa Dew Africa
50. Ms. Junie
51. Lumbre
52. Alma Paprika
53. Numex Lemon Spice
54. Aji Cito

So that's the list so far. There may be a couple that I take off or add to the list before February 1st comes.
We're planning on doing between 2 and 5 each of varieties 1-36 and 1 or 2 of varieties 36-54. As of now our total plant count is gonna be around 124 but again there can be more or less by the time we plant double of what we want and then they ALL germinate. We always start more than we need at the end of the day and of course 98% hook and come up!
We'd rather be safe than sorry though. All excess went to the fantastic Facebook market place and found forever homes so they didn't go to waste.

Stay tuned for more!! I hope everyone is off to a great start for 2022 and even if I'm not commenting on all the glogs be sure to know I'm still following along just lurking!


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Last year we started everything on January 1st and I think they were a little too big and root bound by the time May came around for plant out.

Last year I started end of January and they were all too small come plant-out. This year I'm afraid I'm going to have the opposite problem!

Going to be watching how yours goes with interest.

That's quite a list of varieties!
Nice big harvest! Do you eat that all yourself? :fireball:
I notice the large trees right next to your pepper grow. They probably keep the sun from your plants during part of the day. Do you experience this as a disadvantage to the quality of the peppers? Just askin', as I'm somewhat in the same situation and I have a feeling that my peppers are not as hot as they could be...
Very ambitious, @ThePepperManiac, will be
watching this heat machine gear up this season!
Thanks @PaulG! Your glogs are always nothing short of amazing! Stay tuned. I might actually start seeds today.
Nice big harvest! Do you eat that all yourself? :fireball:
I notice the large trees right next to your pepper grow. They probably keep the sun from your plants during part of the day. Do you experience this as a disadvantage to the quality of the peppers? Just askin', as I'm somewhat in the same situation and I have a feeling that my peppers are not as hot as they could be...
No most actually get sold as sfrb or mfrb. I eat some fresh but not even a 1/10th of what I produced. The others that are slightly isolated but not 100% are seeded for the website and then made into powders for the spice cabinet. I plan on trying some new isolation measures to assure full isolated for some plants this year so I can over 100% isolated Seeds also. As for the trees, 2021 was the first year growing at this location and using mainly buckets 5-7 gallon, with that said these were some of the biggest most productive plants I've ever grown. The trees seemed to be a bit of a natural shade cloth come 12-1pm. They had full sun from the time it came up till around then and then it was diffused as the sun went down. In conclusion I think they definitely helped and didn't hinder production but we shall see this year if I have the same results.
@ThePepperManiac - Mid-day shade never hurt a
pepper plant. I was surprised to learn that in our
climate the pepper plants don't necessarily like all
day hot sun and high temps. I always thought
peppers were sun loving plants. Even the Texas
Wild Annuums like the shade of mesquite trees.
Hardening off in the spring is a battle here. Too
much sun too fast and they continue to wilt all
summer in the sun.
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@ThePepperManiac - Mid-day shade never hurt a
pepper plant. I was surprised to learn that in our
climate the pepper plants don't necessarily like all
day hot sun and high temps. I always thought
peppers were sun loving plants. Even the Texas
Wild Annuums like the shade of mesquite trees.
Hardening off in the spring is a battle here. Too
much sun too fast and they continue to wilt all
summer in the sun.
In my early pepper days I always found the most sunny spot. If it didn't have sun all day it wasn't the right spot. After last year I found out exactly what you said. Peppers do best with some sun but not full blast all day. I think this year might be about the same if not more productive than last.
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In my early pepper days I always found the most sunny spot. If it didn't have sun all day it wasn't the right slit. After last year I found out exactly what you said. Peppers do best with some sun but not full blast all day. I think this year might be about the same if not more productive than last.
Seems like the hybrid annuums can take the intense sun
as well as any. Thinking of Poblanos, Jalape帽os, etc.
As for the trees, 2021 was the first year growing at this location and using mainly buckets 5-7 gallon, with that said these were some of the biggest most productive plants I've ever grown. The trees seemed to be a bit of a natural shade cloth come 12-1pm. They had full sun from the time it came up till around then and then it was diffused as the sun went down. In conclusion I think they definitely helped and didn't hinder production but we shall see this year if I have the same results.
I'm comparing my grow situation with yours but of course I have no idea how the climate compares. If during the summer months shadow temperatures reach above 30掳C/86掳F that is already considered quite warm here. Of course with the climate change temperatures can rise quite a bit higher. The highest peek I have measured here was during the summer of 2019 with a shadow temperature of 40.9掳C/105.6掳F but that is (hopefully) very uncommon.
I'm comparing my grow situation with yours but of course I have no idea how the climate compares. If during the summer months shadow temperatures reach above 30掳C/86掳F that is already considered quite warm here. Of course with the climate change temperatures can rise quite a bit higher. The highest peek I have measured here was during the summer of 2019 with a shadow temperature of 40.9掳C/105.6掳F but that is (hopefully) very uncommon.
@MarcV so off of Google I got this for you,

"Climate and Average Weather Year Round in Scranton Pennsylvania, United States. In Scranton, the summers are warm and wet, the winters are freezing and snowy, and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 20掳F to 82掳F and is rarely below 5掳F or above 90掳F."

Now I slightly disagree with the quote being that we definitely hit over 90掳 a few days during the summer consistently. Some times we get to almost 100掳. It definitely gets pretty wet over the course of late spring early summer, raining alot. We average about 40 inches of rain per year. Over the winter it also gets alot colder than it's saying also. Just yesterday it was -9掳 but winter doesn't really matter with what we are talking about.

I haven't ever measured shadow temperatures but I might this year after you talking about it. I'll put a gauge under the trees and one on the side of the house where the sun hits almost until it goes down for the night. I was just reading and June 2021 we hit the most days over 90 for the month of June since 1973, with 7 days. Over my course of living in Pennsylvania, USA I've noticed that the summers are getting warmer and warmer and sometimes remind me of living down south. Climate change is definitely real!
*Saved spot for when seeds touch dirt*
So I guess after a certain time frame editing posts option goes away? That is fairly new I believe or I'm just not used to the new setup still.

馃敟Anyways 2022 has finally commenced!!馃敟

Seeds touched down and are finally into dirt as of about a hour ago on January 29th 2022 this year. About 4 weeks later than last year. Hopefully it's not too late.

We planted 57 different varieties, anywhere from 1 to 4 cells per variety with 2-3 seeds in each cell. Hopefully we get a few plants馃ぃ馃尡

We only added 3 extra varieties that were not named in the first post.

They include

C. Chacoense
Sugar Rush Peach
Tuca chocolate hot.

If anyone can give me some info on the "Tuca Chocolate Hot" that would be appreciated. It looks like I got them from a member Tucaball back in 2012. We planted all 8 seeds we had so after 10 years it's gonna be amazing if they germinate.

I seen another member number all the plants and varieties instead of labeling the containers or plots so I took the idea. It's gonna be alot easier and I will be able to reuse all the plant tags year after year. Just need to be sure to take a picture of the "key" and not lose it lol.

I hope everyone is off to a great start for 2022! Stay tuned for more!馃敟馃尪馃尡馃


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Now your are going strong, @ThePepperManiac!

I grew the Tuca Chocolate back in 2012. It had
great big brown JA Habanero-type pods. It was
my first season growing, and I didn't really know
what I had, so of course have lost track of any
seeds. It did make a fantastic powder, and I have
hoarded a tiny bit of it since.

Can't help much with the pepper's background,
sorry. It was a gift of a plant from Spankycolts,
who I believe is no longer a member of the forum.
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We have a couple few hooks! Looks like we'll have some plants this year馃尡馃尪馃敟


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Just about all varieties have germinated. We have a few cells that haven't broke ground just yet including the seeds from 2014. I'd say we are well on our way into 2022 though!

Stay tuned for more. Probably going to pot up next weekend into final solo cup containers that they will be in until it's warm enough to set them free.
