seeds-germination Seeds and Beer!

Hey guys got home and had a great Easter dinner. Then I started drinking a beer and you know when you have one you have to have another. So I thought at the time I'm going to plant some new pepper seeds that I haven't planted yet. So I plant some Bnut' Jolokia, Lemon Drop, Red midgett, and Laterns Australian. I already have quite a few plants growing already but, What the Hell:hell: I'll start some more.:lol:

This is why I am glad I ran out of room to grow stuff. I get the idea to start more seeds every day.......then the thought of divorce creeps in......then I think hmmmmm.......then....well...nevermind. I hear what you are saying though, its a fun addiction to have!
I planted 50 more because I was bored on Friday morning if I had been drinking I would be more reckless and would plant everything I have :shocked: