seeds Seeds from a chilli can i just sow them?

Hey guys - quick question,
i've just de-seeded a chilli for a marinade and wondering if i can just put those seeds straight into soil? will they grow?
Yes!  They will grow...  Personally I would start the seeds in a small container (solo cup, etc) first and then transplant the healthiest looking ones in the garden as opposed to direct sow though.
What kind of chili? Was it ripe?
If it was store bought, chances are good it was picked prior to being ripe and the seeds may not be viable. Here in the States much produce is processed that way to assure that it does not rot during shipping and short term storage. Thing may be different in Spain but it is just something you may want to consider while waiting for hooks.
it was store bought, in Spain you only tend to get veg/fruit when it's in season, i've put a couple of the seeds into a seed tray so will see what happens...