Seeds said 7 pot Jonah, but these leaves look different don't they?

ajijoe said:
:rofl: but hay it the thrill of not knowing right??
Indeed.  I knew it wasn't what I sowed.  My hopes for it being a pepper from another family was a long shit but hey, I did good getting whatever it is to grow and it's plenty healthy haha
long shot not shit lol
My first thought when I seen it was poison ivy. it looks very similar. Is the base of the plant redish in color?
Browning said:
Indeed.  I knew it wasn't what I sowed.  My hopes for it being a pepper from another family was a long shit but hey, I did good getting whatever it is to grow and it's plenty healthy haha

long shot not shit lol
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: A TWO OR THREE FLUSHER??
Those leaves do bear a strong resemblance to B. grylls
Browning said:
Nope, it's green as can be
LOL ah please don't be a weed
I would still be cautious if touching in any form till positive ID is confirmed. the reddish base in not the gosphel in IDing poison ivy, it is mearly one of the indicators.
Browning said:
Nope, it's green as can be
LOL ah please don't be a weed
yeah i hear that a lot,  but theres ususally a "D" in front of weed and people dont say please :P ;)
yeah i hope its not either,really be interesting now to see just what "IT" is
thanks your friend Joe

cone9 said:
Those leaves do bear a strong resemblance to B. grylls
(Koala) ah Crikey!! i thought these leaves tasted like crap!   Bugger me it is crap!!