Seeds, Seeds, and more Seeds Available

SEEDS, SEEDS, and more SEEDS .....   I have seed stock available in 10 different variety pack lots for $10 delivered in the US (per 10 different variety packs). This is not a pig in the poke, you pick the varieties that you want and I will confirm that they are still available. Once confirmed, you make a PayPal payment to me and your seeds will be shipped out within 2 business days in a padded envelope (All packs will be clearly labeled). This is on a 1st come 1st served basis, I only have a single pack available on some varieties so if you snooze you may lose. All varieties starting with PI, CAP, CGN, and CO are originally from national seed banks, any information on them (and my other varieties) should be available on the internet. I will consider shipping outside of the US (I need to know what country to ship to) but there will be an upcharge (not $10 per) and I will not provide any duty/agriculture/and/or import documents. If these are required by your government please do not place an order. I may be open to a few trades for super hot varieties that I do not have listed, inquiries are welcome. Drop me an e-mail to if you are interested. Thanks for your consideration, Gary Maness
Was trying to cut down on posting a 250+ seed list here (being a newbie and all) but what the heck, here ya go ....
 I have the following seed stock available in 10 different variety pack lots for $10 delivered in the US (per 10 different variety packs). Multiple 10 pack lots can be ordered as long as they are in multiples of 10 (10, 20, 30, ect.) Please do not request more than 1 pack of a variety since I only have limited stock of some varieties. Most packs will contain 20+ seeds BUT some packs may contain as few as 10 seeds (according to seed stock on hand). You will receive  a minimum of 150 total seeds per 10 different variety packs. This is not a pig in the poke, you pick the varieties that you want and I will confirm that they are still available. Once confirmed you make a PayPal payment to me and your seeds will be shipped out within 2 business days in a padded envelope (All packs will be clearly labeled). This is on a 1st come 1st served basis, I only have a single pack available on some varieties so if you snooze you may lose. All varieties starting with PI, CAP, CGN, and CO are originally from national seed banks, any information on them (and my other varieties) should be available on the internet. I will consider shipping outside of the US (I need to know what country to ship to) but there will be an upcharge (not $10 per) and I will not provide any duty/agriculture/and/or import documents. If these are required by your government please do not place an order. I may be open to a few trades for super hot varieties that I do not have listed, inquiries are welcome. Thanks for your consideration, Gary Maness
P.S. The varieties listed in RED are no longer available
Capsicum praetermissum 
PI 152222 aka Miscucho Colorado C. chinense 
PI 159248 aka 1SCA C. chinense 
PI 201238 aka Chilencho Negro C. annuum 
PI 238051 aka 1627 C. chinense 
PI 238061 aka Bird Aji C. baccatum 
PI 257051 aka 1SCA C. frutescens
PI 257104 aka 1SCA C. sp. 
PI 257112 aka 81 C. sp.                 
PI 257132 aka Ecuadorian Devil's Breath C. chinense 
PI 260459 aka 218 Malagueta C. frutescens
PI 260516 aka Pucumaucho C. chinense 
PI 260580 aka 324 C. annuum 
PI 281342 aka Ethiopian Hot C. frutescens 
PI 281435 aka Datil Pepper C. chinense 
PI 290982 aka Aji Mirasol C. baccatum 
PI 315023 aka Royal Gold C. chinense 
PI 355811 aka Aji Rocoto C. pubescens         
PI 355394 C. pubescens 
PI 382838 C. pubescens 
PI 439414 aka 1848 C. chacoense           
PI 441583 aka BGH 4175 Pimenta C. baccatum 
PI 497984 aka Malagueta C. frutescens 
PI 593522 aka 10367 C. annuum 
PI 635839 aka Hungarian Short Rainbow Wax C. annuum 
PI 635785 aka Golden California Wonder C. annuum 
PI 635864 aka Golden California Wonder C. annuum 
PI 640825 aka Charleston Hot C. annuum 
PI 640829 aka Ancho Mulato C. annuum 
CAP 192 aka Chile Piguin C. annuum 
CAP 196 aka Chile de Arbol C. annuum 
CAP 201 C. frutescens 
CAP 208 aka Chile Picante 343 C. frutescens 
CAP 211 aka Chile Picante 1044 C. frutescens 
CAP 215 C. baccatum 
CAP 217 C. pubescens 
CAP 219 C. baccatum 
CAP 246 aka Chili Tepine C. annuum 
CAP 267 aka Aje C. baccatum 
CAP 271 C. baccatum 
CAP 272 C. baccatum 
CAP 273 C. pubescens 
CAP 333 aka Aji Blanco Cristal C. baccatum 
CAP 334 aka Champion C. baccatum 
CAP 360 aka Ose Utoro C. frutescens 
CAP 361 aka Ekirike C. frutescens 
CAP 380 aka Little Tomato C. annuum 
CAP 468 C. pubescens 
CAP 483 Capsicum sp. 
CAP 487 Capsicum sp. seeds look like C. pubescens 
CAP 489 C. annuum 
CAP 502 Capsicum sp. 
CAP 504 Capsicum sp. 
CAP 505 Capsicum sp. 
CAP 582 C. annuum 
CAP 689 aka Omnicolor C. baccatum 
CAP 690 aka Carmine C. chinense 
CAP 691 aka Red Fire C. chinense 
CAP 692 aka Tangerine Bell C. chinense 
CAP 693 aka Tabasco C. frutescens 
CAP 710 aka Bombillito C. frutescens 
CAP 720 aka Aji Arroz Con Pollo C. frutescens 
CAP 723 aka Aji Guaguao C. frutescens 
CAP 732 aka Aji Cachucha C. frutescens 
CAP 763 aka Aji Calilla C. frutescens 
CAP 795 aka Aji de Cocina C. annuum 
CAP 800 aka Aji Chay C. frutescens 
CAP 801 aka Aji Cuerno de Cabra C. frutescens 
CAP 802 aka Aji de Sasonar C. frutescens 
CAP 809 aka Aji Dulce C. frutescens 
CAP 814 aka Capia C. frutescens 
CAP 829 aka Aji Chilco Calentana C. frutescens 
CAP 832 C. baccatum 
CAP 856 ?? ?? ?? 
CAP 867 C. pubescens 
CAP 869 aka Aji Mochero/Aji Limo C. frutescens 
CAP 870 aka Rocoto C. pubescens 
CAP 872 Capsicum sp. 
CAP 873 aka Aji Panca C. baccatum 
CAP 874 aka Aji Escabeche C. baccatum 
CAP 889 aka Aji Picante C. frutescens 
CAP 890 aka Aji Chile Dulce C. frutescens 
CAP 899 aka Aji C. frutescens 
CAP 900 aka Aji Cachuchon C. frutescens 
CAP 907 C. pubescens 
CAP 922 aka Picante C. frutescens 
CAP 934 aka Aji de Jardin C. frutescens 
CAP 958 aka Aji Criollo C. frutescens 
CAP 963 aka Aji Pimenton C. baccatum 
CAP 999 C. frutescens 
CAP 1003 C. frutescens 
CAP 1004 aka Chile Negro C. chinense 
CAP 1006 aka Habenero C. chinense 
CAP 1033 aka Yellow Tree Rocoto C. pubescens 
CAP 1034 aka Aji Colorado C. baccatum 
CAP 1035 aka Ulupica C. eximium 
CAP 1036 aka Aji Cuerno de Toro C. chinense 
CAP 1084 aka Chile Habanero C. chinense 
CAP 1086 aka Tuste C. frutescens 
CAP 1131 aka Pasilla C. chinense 
CAP 1152 C. baccatum 
CAP 1443 aka Long Brilliant Dwarf C. annuum 
CAP 1464 aka Aji Fresco C. frutescens 
CAP 1473 C. baccatum 
CAP 1474 C. baccatum 
CAP 1476 C. baccatum 
CAP 1477 aka Kaleidoskop C. baccatum 
CAP 1478 C. baccatum 
CAP 1479 C. pubescens 
CAP 1485 C. pubescens 
CAP 1486 C. pubescens 
CAP 1488 Capsicum sp. 
CAP 1489 Capsicum sp. 
CAP 1490 Capsicum sp. 
CAP 1491 Capsicum sp. Seeds look like C. cardenasii 
CAP 1492 Capsicum sp. 
CAP 1494 Capsicum sp. 
CAP 1530 C. cadenasii 
CAP 1531 Capsicum sp. 
CAP 1540 aka Pimenta Bode C. frutescens 
CAP 1542 aka Pimenta C. chinense 
CAP 1631 aka Bisbas C. chinense 
CAP 1639 aka Gelbfruechtig C. chinense 
CAP 1654 aka Bisbas; Rotfruechtig C. chinense 
CAP 1692 aka Paprika Chillies Rot C. frutescens 
CAP 1696 aka Rocuto Gelbfruechtig C. pubescens 
CGN 22090 C. chinense 
CGN 22207 C. chinense 
CGN 23209 C. chinense 
CO 4536 C. chinense 
CO 4661 C. chinense
7 Pod aka 7 Pot C. chinense 
Aji Brazillian Bonanza C. baccatum 
Aji Pineapple C. baccatum 
Amazon Chile Roma C. chinense 
Ancho Gigantia C. annuum 
Arrivivi Guasano Orange C. chinense 
Arrivivi Guasano Pale Yellow C. chinense 
Australian Lantern C. chinense 
Australian Lantern Red C. chinense 
B-56 ?? ?? ?? 
Bermuda Hot C. annuum 
Bhut Jolokia C. chinense 
Big Kim OP C. annuum 
Bird Pepper Gold C. annuum 
Black Scorpion Tongue C. annuum 
Black Vietnamese Dragon C. annuum 
Bonda Ma Jacques C. chinense 
Boonbai Morich aka Potka Morich C. chinense 
Bradley's Bahamian C. frutescens 
Brazilian Rainbow C. annuum 
Brazilian Red Olive C. baccatum 
Buena Mulata C. annuum 
Bulgarian Carrot C. annuum 
Caiene (Red) C. chinense 
California Wonder C. annuum 
Carolina Reaper C. chinense 
Cascabella C. annuum 
Cayenne (Golden) C. annuum 
Cayenne (Purple) C. annuum 
Chilhaucle Negro C. annuum 
Chiltepin C. annuum 
Corno di Toro Giallo C. annuum 
Corno di Toro Rossa C. annuum 
Cumari O' Passarini C. chinense 
Czech Black C. annuum 
Dad's Mystery Pepper C. annuum 
Datil, Large C. chinense 
Devil's Tongue, Yellow C. chinense 
Ethiopian Brown C. baccatum 
Fatalii, Red C. chinense 
Finger Clip(s) C. chinense 
Fish C. annuum 
Flame Tongue C. annuum
Gigantor F2 C. chinense 
Gilbe Kirchen C. annuum 
Ginnie's Bonnet C. chinense 
Golden Marconi C. annuum 
Goronong, Red C. chinense 
Goronong, Red Cross C. chinense 
Goronong, Yellow C. chinense 
Guam Boonies aka Doni Sali C. frutescens 
Habanero, Beth's Yellow C. chinense 
Habanero, Big Sun C. chinense 
Habanero, Black C. chinense 
Habanero, Cappucino C. chinense 
Habanero, Caribbean Red C. chinense 
Habanero, Congo Red C. chinense 
Habanero, Congo Trinidad C. chinense 
Habanero, Congo Trinidad Cross C. chinense 
Habanero, Congo Yellow C. chinense 
Habanero, Fiji C. chinense 
Habanero, Gold Bullet C. chinense 
Habanero, Golden C. chinense 
Habanero, Huge Red C. chinense 
Habanero, Jumbo Caribbean C. chinense 
Habanero, Long Chocolate C. chinense 
Habanero, Peach C. chinense 
Habanero, Red Dominican C. chinense 
Habanero, Red Dominican Cross C. chinense 
Habanero, Rich's Large Yellow C. chinense 
Habanero, Unknown Brown C. chinense 
Habanero, Venezuelan Sweet C. chinense 
Habanero, Yellow C. chinense 
Hot Paper Lantern C. chinense 
Hot Portugal C. chinense 
Jalabanero C. annuum 
Jalapeno C. annuum 
Jamaican Hot Chocolate C. chinense 
Jimmy Nardello C. annuum 
Limo C. chinense 
Little Nubian aka Sore Throat C. annuum 
Madame Jeanette aka Surinam Red C. chinense 
Manzano Red C. frutescens 
Maule's Red Hot C. annuum 
Mixed Hot 
Mystery Pebbled Pod C. chinense 
Nega Morich C. chinense 
Negro Chili C. annuum 
Nu-Mex Big Jim C. annuum 
Orange Bell C. annuum 
Orange Teapot C. chinense 
Paprika, Leutschauer C. annuum 
Peruvian Purple C. annuum 
Pasilla Bajio C. annuum 
Pimento C. annuum 
Puerto Rican Turban C. annuum 
Purira C. frutescens 
Purple Beauty C. annuum 
Purple Jalapeno a possible SPORT from a group of Purple Cayenne plants 
Quadrato D'Asti Giallo C. annuum 
Quadrato D'Asti Rosso C. annuum 
Ram's Horn C. annuum 
Rashid C. chinense 
Rayado C. annuum 
Red Cap C. annuum 
Roberto's Cuban Seasoning C. chinense 
Rocoto, Huge Red C. pubescens 
Romanian Hot C. annuum 
Rooster Spur C. annuum 
Royal King C. annuum 
Scotch Bonnet C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, Brown Jamaican C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, Chocolate C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, Costa Rican C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, Grenada C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, Long Yellow C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, Orange C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, Red C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, TFM (Trenton Farmer's Market) C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, Tobago aka Faria Red C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, Tobago Sweet C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, True Jamaican C. chinense 
Scotch Bonnet, Yellow C. chinense 
Serrano, Tampiqueno C. annuum 
Small Red Chili C. annuum 
Sonora Anaheim C. annuum 
St. Lucia Seasoning C. chinense 
Sweet Chocolate C. annuum 
Tabasco, Cajun C. annuum 
Tennessee Spice C. annuum 
Thai Dragon C. annuum 
Thai Orange C. annuum 
Topepo Rossa C. annuum 
Trinidad Perfume C. chinense 
Trinidad Scorpion C. chinense 
Vietnamese Tear Jerker C. frutescens 
Yellow Bonnet C. annuum
TexasHotPeppers ...... All of the seed bank seeds came directly from the national seed banks and I can only assume that these are "pure" seeds. The named varieties I would consider open pollinated since I have no assurance that my source of the seed stock isolated or caged the plants that they came from. Hope that info helps. Cheerz !.
I just received my seed order from Mr. RedNeck and I can't exclaim how very pleased I am! The service was wonderful, seeds are gorgeous, Price is most certainly right, quite a BARGAIN! I realized after exchanging p.m.'s that I probably purchased tomato and eggplant seeds from him years ago through Seedsavers Exchange. He is a great guy and reputable source for pepper seeds, in fact I'm going to be buying more, you all should take advantage of this opportunity, great stuff, many thanks, Gary.
Thanks for the kind words Sandra, I try to treat everyone the way that I'd like to be treated; especially when there is hard earned money involved. If anyone is interested, I also have eggplant and tomato seeds available (open pollinated heirloom varieties). Drop me a pm if you have any interest and I can send you those lists (please specify which list you are interested in). Since this is a pepper site, I won't be posting the eggplant or tomato varieties in the forums. Cheerz, Gary
RedNeck Spysee Chilez said:
I'm not trying to bump myself BUT I was just made aware that in my original posting I listed my e-mail address incorrectly. My e-mail address is NOT redneckbeez   :rolleyes:  Thanks, Gary
You might want to actually go in and edit your first post to correct it also -- readers tend to skim the thread rather than read it and might miss this correction !!
JDFan said:
You might want to actually go in and edit your first post to correct it also -- readers tend to skim the thread rather than read it and might miss this correction !!
Duhhhhhh, thanks for the heads up I never thought of doing that. lol  Thanks again JDFan !