Seeds to trade (NOT MUCH)

I have a couple seeds to trade.
- Peruvian White Lighting Hab
- Jamaican Hot Chocolate Hab
To be honest I have ordered these on amazon and the reviews say they do not have a very good germination rate so Id rather trade and not waste my time considering im a beginner. If this scares you away I totally understand and it would scare me away to.
I know its not much if anything at all but its what I have so let me know.
What peppers are you looking for?
What are you looking for in trade?  I am new too, and only got Caribbean Red Habs, and an unknown chili that are nice too.  Reason for the unknown chili is that I did not grow them, but saved seeds before making powder.  They are both of last years batches and had a very good germination rate for me this year.  If interested, I would really like the Jamaican Hot Chocolate to try out.  If interested, just let me know.