wanted Seeds Wanted

Seeds that I want to buy are Picante hab, Bonda Ma Jaques, and Big Bomb.  Can't seem to find these from the usual suppliers.  Does anyone know of a seed vendor that sells these, or one of these?
I have a C. annuum called Cherry Bomb that gets really meaty pods about the size of a tennis ball.  Is that the one?  A lot of places list them as a hybrid but they seem pretty stable.  The strain I have gets heart shaped though.
jcw10tc said:
I have seeds for niranja picante habanero I got from semillas.de last year. Not sure if that's what you are after. Also have bonda ma Jacques. You are welcome to either if you like.
Oh yeah, totally forgot about that one :) Habanero Naranja Picante
I am not sure where I got the pod from, but I saved the seeds and when I went back to them the ones on the plate were black like a manzano.  Thought I somehow screwed em up in saving them.
They're not black like that are they.  They were called picante, and that's all I know about them.  Love to get some of those seeds and give em a go.  If I remember right, it was a tasty pod.

Tennis ball sized cherry bombs seem a bit large compared to the ones I have been growing.