Seeds? Where do I get them

I have shopped around for seeds on WHP a couple of times before. What a great selection, and nice prices too.
Later i found out that EU has made laws against import of seeds from non-EU countries..
So now I mostly use as a seed supplier.
In fact, majority of my seeds come from their webshop :)

I agree with bicycle808 that superhots arent always the slowest in terms of germination and growth.
Actually I find the milder peppers are harder to germinate in many situations.

I would definately recommend checking out Aji Fantasy White or Peach if you want something on the mild side but with great taste. They work excellent as snacks even for some children - if you remove the seeds first.
I have had fine success growing Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend Caramel too. Now Im looking to explore more Morugas in this years grow.
Its at the top of the table in terms of heat and it has a nice flavour. So much so, that I even used it in home made Chocolate chip cookie dough.

Being a Danish dude I just have to recommend you try Bhut Orange Copenhagen. No seriously!
The flavour is outstanding. Its one of my absolute favorites

I've had great success and little hassle growing Aji Pineapple. Excellent taste, very easy to take care of, huge amount of pods.
I use it for an exotic Pepper sauce that everyone I know enjoys a whole lot.

If you like fruity taste, easy and fast growth, and dont care about all the hottest ones, I would recommend you to go with a few C. Baccatum species.

Thats just my 2 cents.. Nothing advanced, just fun and games of exploration :)
I'm going to try the aji as well I think I might have a list that I can work with does anyone else have any other recommendations to the list ?

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This is what I have so far

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Since it's this late in the year, why not just buy small flat rate boxes from these good people and save seeds from those peppers? You'll save money and end up with more variety AND more seeds of each.
J.H.Skarby said:
So now I mostly use as a seed supplier.
In fact, majority of my seeds come from their webshop :)
Semillas has provided me with reliable seeds that grow true for reasonable prices, 3 for 3 so far on successful orders. I have read that some folks in the USA have had trouble with the seeds from an overseas source, but that hasn't happened to me yet. I would say that they are a great vendor. They're run by Peter Merle, who is a THP member...
J.H.Skarby said:
Being a Danish dude I just have to recommend you try Bhut Orange Copenhagen. No seriously!
The flavour is outstanding. Its one of my absolute favorites
I grew BOCs last year for the first time. I'd never even received one in a SFRB before, so I didn't know what to expect. I just grew then for shits and giggles; they look cool and there aren't many orange Superhots to choose from. I never expected them to taste so great. Unbelievably good flavor; they taste like Bahama Goats but 3 times hotter and in my opinion, much more intense flavor that is just so nice.... The heat lags a bit, being a Bhut, and that first flavor rush is just too good. Less hot than most Supers, but I think they might taste best of the Superhots I have tried... My BOC plants weren't so vigorous in terms of growth and production as some of my other favorites, but they still rocked pretty hard....
Okay well I definitely recommend whitehotpeppers my order of 10 was there but I also got 9 free I emailed to make sure that someone's order didn't get into mine but nope he said that's just what he does awesome!!

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Saving seeds from pods is so much cheaper. I've seen some peppers have over 70 seeds in them. Considering the $20 I spent on the SFRB and how many were in the box, that's over 70 seeds for less than a dollar.
Ruid said:
Saving seeds from pods is so much cheaper. I've seen some peppers have over 70 seeds in them. Considering the $20 I spent on the SFRB and how many were in the box, that's over 70 seeds for less than a dollar.
But what if there is a pepper that you want and you do not have it?
Yeah, as I start to choose long-term favorites, my plan is to save seeds for the next year. Yeah, they're open pollinated, but they're free and the seeds I saved in 2018 all germinated at or near 100% in days. Much less waiting, I guess, if they've only been sitting like October to January.

And yes, I have definitely gotten plenty of seeds from pods in boxes. Much cheaper way to go, plus they come with a fresh pepper to eat!
SpeakPolish said:
But what if there is a pepper that you want and you do not have it?
That's what Ruid was talking about with the boxes. If there's a pepper you want but don't have, and you know im growing it, you could ask me for a SFRB of'm, and when I send you a box of fresh, ripe pods, you get to save the seeds and eat the peppers. It's eveb better if I'm growing a few things you want, and triple-better if you're growing stuff I want, too, bc then we can trade, straight up. A box for a box.

Last fall, I made an big batch of Scotch Bonnet sauce. I pull the seeds out for purposes of decreasing bitterness and not having a bunch of seeds floating in it. I saved seeds from maybe four Foodarama Bonnets; it was literally hundreds of seeds. And all the TFM, MOA, and other Foodarama seeds? They just got tossed out. There must've been thousands upon thousands of seeds. Open-pollinated, but so what? They were all growing in a big bed of just Yella Bonnets.
If they were crossed, it was just gonna be like TFM x MOA, lol.

This year, I'm going to make an effort to save those seeds and just send them out to any seed-begging newbies who send me a SASBE for'm. Waste not, want not.
Yeah, spread the love, I say. As far as I can tell, it's all good so long as you're honest about what you're sending them (open pollinated or whatever else) and give credit where credit is due, ie, tell the recipient where you got the seeds for the original stock. That way, there's fewer surprises and hopefully no hurt feelings.

I don't want to make it harder for all these good seed vendors out here, but I also don't want to pretend that I'm not tossing out countless numbers of decent seeds. Think about the potential retail value of what you toss in your compost heap or garbage can?

Shit, I'm still kinda surprised by how many volunteer plants i got kicked up from year one when I was starting to work my beds for year two. These seeds get everywhere!!!