Seeking Moderators

The Hot Pepper

Spring has Sprung so seeking moderators!
A moderator is a volunteer that helps keep the site orderly and civil. Orderly by making sure posted content is in the correct category and contributes to the discussion at hand, and civil, by keeping the peace, steering conversations, and nipping any problems in the bud. You must also be willing to moderate those that you consider friends, and not play favorites.
We ask that you be an active member and one that already spends a good portion of the day here, that way, you will not feel obligated to moderate. You will simply participate as normal with some extra powers.
There is a brief questionnaire for moderators, if you are interested let me know. Thanks!
I've been a moderator on several forums and still am on though I don't participate there anymore.

I'm not on AS much as I used to be but i'm still here daily. Don't mind helping out banning spam bots and moving threads as needed. I also work rotating shifts so am often on at odd times when spammers usually try to sneak in.