seeking USAand CA donations for AU charity auctions


eXtreme Business
Help for Aussie flood victims-

Calling to USA and Canadian hot stuff businesses-

Candice from Wildfire Chilli Australia is organizing some auctions of "hot" products with the benefits going to an Australian charity to help the flood victims in AU.

here's the original post-

And the First Auction going on right now for Australian bidders-

There will also be an auction for North American bidders, (possibly elsewhere, depending on shipping).

We need some US products to add to the mix! Candice and I will divide up the products from USA and from AU to make a couple really great prize packages. It can be food items (from licensed processors or licensed co-packers only...sorry, no home-made sauces.) dried powders, seeds, anything else that's chile related (t-shirts, hats, books) booze :)

For those who can't bid, small Paypal donations will also help and Candice will probably select a random Paypal donor to receive a "thank you" gift also. Paypal information is in Candice's post. Every $5-$10-$20 helps.

FOR THOSE ATTENDING ZEST FEST--- Johnny from Heartbreaking Dawns has graciously agreed pick up donations from Zest Fest attendees and make sure they get to us. HBD will not have a booth at the festival, so if anyone has a booth that could be used as a drop off site, let me know.

For those not attending Zest Fest, send me a PM and I'll get the shipping info to you-

Thanks so much for everyone's help for our mates down under!
I'm in Ann...will pm you tomorrow...headed to bed early tonight...didn't get a nap today... :lol:
AJ, Johnny and The Creator (Defcon) for jumping right in.

Please spread the word for Oz-
double post-
Thanks, Ela, and Welcome to the forum!

PM sent back to you~