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Self check.

Ok guys it's time for me to order some seeds. I just have a couple questions though.
1.- Is this a reputable site?

2.- Can you order seeds from over seas? (Customs question.)

3.- If it's easier if anyone wants to sell me some jalokia seeds on here I'm all for it too.:D

Thanks guys.
hello rabbit

my brother & I ordered our bhut and bih jolokias from that site and we were both very happy.

they delivered to Australia without a problem. (i think it might say on there site weather they can send to certain countries)

I wouldn't hesitate to order from them again..

Chileseeds is a little more expensive than most other places but I've had no problems with seeds. Just don't buy the Naga Jolokia, and not sure about the "Naga 5 Pod Morich"
there's a whole page on their site about sending seeds to the states, you have to jump through some hoops i think. they'll let you roll the dice and just send them but won't resend anything that doesn't get to you...
i'd first try the marketplace forum here, but if you're just after some bhuts isn't there this university where some guy grew a bhut that got famous or something somewhere in the US? ;) http://www.chilepepperinstitute.org/
I'm sure a few people on an English forum had a few problems with them last year, mainly to do with the variety they ordered not looking or being like what it should. Otherwise in general the feedback seems good.
Biscombe said:
I can vouch for them too! excellent germination rates too!

sorry for butting in on this thread but I'm after info on http://www.rainbowchiliseeds.com/ anyone ordered from this company?

They have some interesting peppers, but I don't know anything about them. I did a quick search on Garden Watchdog, and they didn't have any reviews, either.
Another place that I have had extremely good success with seeds wise is tomatogrowers.com Check out all the crazy pepper and tomato seeds they have to offer :)
I've ordered from tomatogrowers.com as well and they were a pleasure to deal with. I even got some free seeds, cause i spent quite a large sum with them...but I think they give every one free seeds......

One company i would recommend staying away from is chillibird.com. It is an Australian site and one of the only seeds that were right was the goats weed. My brother ordered about 4 other varieties and they all came through labeled as what they were ment to be but ALL ended up as PC-1!!!!

EDIT: I will change my tune just a little about chillibird.......I have since ordered from them and the seeds I have got are true to order...
I've bought from tomatogrowers for years and never had any problems. Everyone who spends $10.00 gets free seeds from tomatogrowers, this year it's Sprite tomatos which most here aren't planning on growing anyways.
Thanks for the feedback you guys. I'll keep all of this stuff in mind. Sorry, I took so long to respond. I wasn't on the net for a few days. Time for me to order some seeds now.;):D