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water Self watering containers ?

Anybody here using the Earthbox type wicking self watering containers ?

Almost all my peppers are in pots and over concrete, I live in Trinidad and its pretty hot here and in a matter of a day or two they can dry out and wilt.

The diy self watering type containers look promising.
I have something of the sort for a couple of my habs. It works well, but they are thirsty plants, the reservoir doesn't last a very long time. They are kept inside. I water every couple days and they are getting plenty of water.

You could always try those water-spear things. I have no experience with them, but may suit your needs?

Wish I could be of a little more help.
Hiya buddy yes tried a few self/watering container pots and had limited sucess..Down to the limited water they hold..my advice if you can get them use Autopots as you can add a tank to them (big as you need) they only give the plants the water they need and are great for growing inside :lol:
I used one 7 gallon selfwatering container this year. It was for my 2nd oragne hab plant and must say it worked well...that is the only experience I have with them..
AlabamaJack said:
I used one 7 gallon selfwatering container this year. It was for my 2nd oragne hab plant and must say it worked well...that is the only experience I have with them..

7 gallon now thats a nice size wish we could get them big here A.J :lol: