Selling individual pods

Not being a professional, I'm not sure if we can discuss money on the site.
I anticipate I'll have an excess of pods before to long and my wife suggested selling some fresh pods locally. Does anyone have suggestions on how to price individual pods or is that not practical.? I did a search on the web and found some fresh pods for sale by 1/4, 1/2 and 1 pound quantities. I figure I'll use those prices as a gauge unless you have more suggestions. Thanks!
I'm not planning on an early retirement. Maybe just to get some seed $$ for the 2015 grow. 
I think it's a good idea I'm going to sell some locally to help for next years garden. I'm going to try and get .50 each.
Most people just sell SFRB's or MFRB's. Either a specific variety or a "mix box". I wanna say $10 for a SFRB + shipping??? (I could be wrong).
FRB's is the best way to ship pods, so 1 pod or 30 will cost the same amount and won't get crushed.
Go by one hab at your local grocery store, a fairly big one too. Take that price and add a bit for super hots, or anything not available in your area that is hab or hotter. You can do the same thing with a poblano, jalapeño, or whatnot.
I would match the local value with things that are locally accessible.
Growing organic is also a selling point you can charge more for, just like the grocery stores. ;)
I tried last season at the local farmers market with no success. I think your best bet is sfrb or mfrb on here or your fb. Good luck either way and I'm sure someone is interested!
the grocery stores in my area sell a very limited selection of super hots "ghost and scorpion" and the package they sell them in is fairly small, holds 6 or 7 pods and they charge 5.99 for them, they dont sell very well though. not many people like the "melt your face off" hot peppers
Give away the peppers "free if you eat it right now" and sell lemonade.
Personally, I've found that some of the same people I can't even give peppers away to, have offered to buy hot sauce made from them.  That also removes the need to sell pods at the same rate as, and shortly after, harvesting.   That's less money per pod but IMO a larger market.
Dave2000 said:
Give away the peppers "free if you eat it right now" and sell lemonade.
Personally, I've found that some of the same people I can't even give peppers away to, have offered to buy hot sauce made from them.  That also removes the need to sell pods at the same rate as, and shortly after, harvesting.   That's less money per pod but IMO a larger market.
I've sold a dozen mason jars(12 oz size) of hot sauce this week at work. I get $6.00 a jar for my hot sauce. And you are right they would never buy the pods. Only chilifreaks like us buy pods lol. 
I dont think they will sell. Seems to me that grocery stores are struggling to get rid of their bhuts.
People love bells and jalapenos, bnt few will dare to buy a superhot.
Valleyman said:
Not being a professional, I'm not sure if we can discuss money on the site.
I anticipate I'll have an excess of pods before to long and my wife suggested selling some fresh pods locally. Does anyone have suggestions on how to price individual pods or is that not practical.? I did a search on the web and found some fresh pods for sale by 1/4, 1/2 and 1 pound quantities. I figure I'll use those prices as a gauge unless you have more suggestions. Thanks!
I'm not planning on an early retirement. Maybe just to get some seed $$ for the 2015 grow. 
I figuring your just wanting to sell to friends/co-workers...etc.   I'm pretty much doing that also in my area and work.

Our local stores have NOTHING in the way of hot peppers except for the jalapenos and sad looking habs with a occasional Serrano and Pablo.
My small world of peppers revolves around my consumption needs and the dry rubs and powders I sell people on a very small scale (at least for now). This year is the first time I grew 50 plants with 14 varieties and will have excess to sell fresh pods. My work place has over 1000+ people in it and my work allows me access to most of those people who I have found out over the last few years has quite a few chileheads in it.

My rubs/seasoning/jellies have a set price but the fresh pods in the past I have given away to spread the hot love (and watch people freakout when trying a hot one ;) )

This year will be different as I expanded small garden and I'm looking to offset the cost of it and beer $$ :drunk:  :lol: .
With that said, this will be the price range I'll be selling my fresh pods in the local area and work....I'm sure others will have different views on this.


   .50 - $1.00 each
Carolina Reaper
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T.
Naga Jolokia

.25 each...5 for $1.00....12 for $2.00
Jamaican Hot Chocolates
Scotch Bonnets

These I'm still working on but in the past I made up variety bags 1/2lb - 2lb's and sold for between $3 - $8. I do make of bags geared towards making salsa only for a few co-workers and a Asian co-worker that only wants some to use in stir fry.
Thai Hot
Long Thin Cayenne
Korean Gocho
N. M. Lumbre
Kim Chi (pepper)
Trinidad Perfume
Hope this helps some.
Valleyman said:
Not being a professional, I'm not sure if we can discuss money on the site.
I anticipate I'll have an excess of pods before to long and my wife suggested selling some fresh pods locally. Does anyone have suggestions on how to price individual pods or is that not practical.? I did a search on the web and found some fresh pods for sale by 1/4, 1/2 and 1 pound quantities. I figure I'll use those prices as a gauge unless you have more suggestions. Thanks!
I'm not planning on an early retirement. Maybe just to get some seed $$ for the 2015 grow. 
Don't be discouraged. I did really well selling individual pods last year and have started off good this year. I was able to build up a few customers and thru word of mouth this grew. I went with the exotic, rare, and super hot theme. It worked well, get people intrigued.
I go to a flea market down the road. They have two produce stands in there, but they mainly sell mainly imported basics, pepper wise. Everything else is antiques to yard sell items. I didn't take anything that could be bought there or locally.
I also sold by the pound, but really sold more individually.
Make sure to give away plenty of extras. If someone will talk peppers with you, but doesn't seem interested, give them a pod. This really bought back customers and helped spread the word.
Everyone's area will be different, but I was able to find away.
Good luck.