Selling locally

I don't know if this is the correct spot to post this but it has to be close. I have a question. I find myself with more pods than I can use this year. it's a combination of a wet year and planting too many varieties. I'm selling off my surplus locally. I just don't know what is a fair figure to charge. I'll be selling superhots. Naga's, T. scorps, 7 pots. Many varieties of each. Some are the usual suspects: Black naga, naga morich, Moruga scorpion, Butch T, 7 pot brain (red & yellow), CARDI, etc. Others are more unusual: Jay's peach scorpion, peach bhut, primo, Jonah, Congo gigantic. How do you price the ones you sell?
what the market will bear varies widely from one area to the next. i sell at 2 farmer's markets about 30 miles apart- at one of them i can sell ghost peppers for $.50 a pod. at the other ghost peppers go for $18 for a half bushel box. this is due to differences in both the customer base and the suppliers between the 2 markets. (i realize this is no real help to you.) 
my suggestion is to start a litle higher than you think is reasonable- it is much easier to lower your price than to raise it.
That's what I'm doing. Testing the waters. We sold a 6oz batch of varied types for $25 and the buyer was thrilled. As the plants ripen more I will probably play around with mixed lots and type specific lots. I'm not so much looking for a huge profit on this more of recouping seed, potting mix, etc expenses. Plus I hope local chilliheads who hear about superhots and would like to torture themselves but don't want to or can't grow will have an avenue to explore this madness we relish.
You could always just box them up and send them up the road to me ;-) Let me know what the Wichita market is like. If I get any extras, I may do the same, but I've never seen anyone selling superhots around here.
A good way to gauge what chileheads will offer is to put together a box and auction it off in the forum ads section here. You can likely get a bit more locally than what THP members will give, as most of us grow our own and/or have friends to trade with. I sell my small flat rate boxes for $15-20 here depending on the types and heat level. I'm like you though, I don't grow for profit, I just sell the surplus for extra cash (fertilizer, baby needs, gas money, etc). I've never come close to breaking even on what I paid for a growing season, but it's a good way to make friends and get reviews on your pods from folks who really know their peppers.