business-legal Selling Your Hot Sauce Legally

So, as I mentioned in previous posts, I'm in the very early stages of starting my own hot sauce company. I'm hoping to begin next spring/summer, but when looking for exactly what is needed from a legal and business standpoint, I'm having trouble or finding conflicting information on Google.
For those of you who sell your own products, particularly in New York, do you have any info that you could provide?
I'd like to know of any and all licenses or permits I need in order to sell my products.
Also, does anyone know the process of possibly getting licensed to produce my sauces in my own kitchen as opposed to renting commercial kitchen space?
Thank you!
When in doubt just call up your gov't, we have a number here 311 you just call and tell them your concern and they get you to the right agency. You can also call Cornell University, they are very helpful in this regard.
In Florida I had to go through the Department of Agriculture to get the Food Safety Permit. And it took a minute and about 4 people to get to the bottom of what was necessary. But if they are ones permitting, then it has to be their way. It's your best bet. Every state seems to have different regulations. Good luck with your venture and your dreams.