Sepia serpent

Great review there Nigel, I didn't grow this one , but it sounds interesting, i'm always amazed by your reviews you ought to insure your taste buds.
You talked about the 7pod savannah do you have a review of it? The one pod I had was very spiky and bumpy I got a single pod of it given to me in a mixed box, and was going to grow it this year but didn't have room for it. I won't be growing any super hots in my 2015 garden as I will just be growing just wild species along with a few Peruvian vegetables if I can get the seeds I want .
Hi George, thanks a lot, it means a great deal coming from you. I won`t clog up this thread with a 7-pot savannah review, but yes, I did one last year. If you go to my YouTube channel and look through the videos, you`ll find it!
Hello everyone! I'm looking for seeds isolated sepia serpent. Can I exchange with local varieties of annuum over 100 years old from the peasants of Apulia (south of Italy). Anyone could help me can send me a private message. Thanks. 
Thanks Nigel, I'll take a look there.   I just need to get a idea on how they taste, so I can write it on my seed pack that way I can judge it against my other peppers when I decide to grow them.
Hey Ralph, I am growing sepia serpent for the first time this year. I got the seeds as a freebie, and thought why not? Has anybody else grown this variety recently or still growing it?
Sepia serpent doesn't get enough attention in my opinion. Love this pepper, but haven't had any in 3-4 years.
I’m growing a Sepia Reaper x PDN cross from JW. 2nd year growing this and one of my favorites.

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