contest September ThrowDown HoDown

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Okay it shall be done. Outdoor cooking is too open and as some have said it's a better comp when you can compare the same dish.

Outdoor pizza it is. Use it as your canvas for your favorite food.

I'll prob. even get in on this.

Booma, get the oven ready.
WOOT! Outdoor Pizza!

Scovie, looks like our Friday dinner menu just got changed!

oh, man, I have such an idea,.......

PS- THANKS< BOSS! You da man~!
yea, but my idea is about 2 ft x 3 ft and weighs prolly 200 pounds.... :lol:


OH! Hey since we're camping and there'll be a couple bored teenagers, they can build a mud oven on the beach of the river .... think the park rangers would go for that?
:rolleyes: My ESPN is revealing to me a wood fired brick lined oven built quickly while the kids play ultimate frisbee in the background. :onfire:
:lol: yemtol!

or the kids are sitting in the trailer texting their friends~~~~
I'd conveniently lose the key while they're locked out. At least they'd be getting fresh air while texting. Then again, my children are young enough that mama or daddy says so is still a viable argument.
Ahhh, I fondly remember that age....when they would actually do what they were told/asked/expected.....

Oh well, I can look forward to the age when he can be the designated driver in a couple years!
Here's an idea...put the Kiddles on music detail....we won't care cuz we'll be tossing pies and stuff!

Except me....I get distracted by shiny things....and techno music.....
If the TD was THIS weekend - we could do the same t'ing.....on the hood of the caddy!!!!!! Whoop-theresdapartay!!!!!!

But by the true TD weekend......well, no worries - we'll werk it out somehow! (by "we" I mean the NWPackers....we're an industrious crew!!!!!) ;)
outdoor pizza? well that just screwed what i wanted to do. im starting to think these t.d.'s are anti jason,lol. i was really looking forward to just outdoor
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