Serious Question, didn't know where else to ask it.


An odd question to pose, but know my heart is in the right place by asking it. Having just emerged as a true business enterprise, I thought that my website could use some “testimonials.” I figured that using friends and family would be disingenuous. So, I opted instead to use serial killers and play with the names on the vocational end (most are dead so no worry from lawsuits.)
I was thinking of adding a page of “real” actual folks and their comments, (I’ve received a few via local customers) but the bulk has occurred here. I respectfully ask permission to quote from this forum to that regard. If it is deemed "ok", I would do so by using only “initials” and no real names, full “handles” or references to this site. The expressions from those here, to me, carry more weight than the “average Joe” in that they are more precise, articulate and sound so much better than simply "great sauce." (Although that's welcomed too)  
I don’t know what the rules are regarding this, but I will not act less express permission be granted. Should the answer be in the negative, no hard feelings. I completely understand.
THP what say you? Forum members what say you?
Thanks for your time.
What better place than THP for accurate assessments of a hot sauce. 
Not everyone who likes hot pepper sauce is here, but most everyone who is here likes hot pepper sauce.
I had a look at your testimonials page.  As for the serial killers, I personally find that a bit of a turn off - in poor taste, if you will!
In my mind, those people don't deserve to be remembered.  The likes of Jeffrey Dahmer should be burned, buried or locked away for eternity and left to be know to future generations only by those who stumble upon them in old court records.  In two hundred years most of us will be little more than a name on a gravestone.  Nefarious people haven't earned even that. JMO
Best of luck with your business.
I dont know of the website or the product specifically in question. however, if I ever happen across it and initiate a testimonial or description of any sort, you can quote my true name, forum name or whatever you want. I am not hiding from anyone.
If you want to use quotes from this website you should ask permission of author.
If you want to put a review section on your own site, that is different, as they are knowingly leaving a review. Just make sure to put appropriate language/terms, that they understand it will be public, and only initials and cities will be used, or however you set it up.
Fair answers from all, my thanks.

The testimonials current, although not for everyone, were meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I put a disclaimer (on advice of legal counsel) in the "about us" page to address this very point - as I was sure it would be raised. Every occupation has it's humor that will be found off-setting perhaps, by those not so familiar with the work environment or nuances. Hang out with Coroners, Gynecologists, Military folks and you will encounter great and often disturbing stuff/humor. But, I respect your opinion and truly appreciate you taking the time to check out my website. Likewise, on your assessment of the folks that visit here, better point not yet made.


Thanks for the reply and advice. I thought about doing the publicly offered "put your comments here" page, but it offers a conundrum. Realistically, there are a few folks who would kill me (literally) if chance were offered. There are indeed many more who would jump to blister me on such an electronic venue, if nothing more than for bragging rights. Occupational hazards...

I will reach out to those folks here and seek permission. Fair enough.

Thanks again to all, and apologies if I seem "a bull in a china shop..."

Most people don't care if you use their review as long as you don't publish personal info.
"I saw the review you posted for my sauce on THP. I was wondering if you would allow me to publish this on my website and on promotional materials. If yes, I would like to know if I can also publish your name and company/city, or if you would prefer I only use your first name and last initial."
Something like that. Testimonials look more legit if there is a full name or company name so you can always ask.
Edmick said:
I wouldn't mind doing a testimonial. Doesn't necessarily need to be a quote from this site but whatever form you would want it is fine with me. I already have my face plastered on youtube reviewing all of them so what's a quote gonna hurt.. How's this, "Not bad... For a cop.." -Ed. lol
here is a thought, may Reggie could embed your vid reviews on his site. You get more views, he gets good solid unbiased reviews. Sounds like a win win to me.
Maybe I will scratch the "real" testimonials idea, leave the "killer" parodies in place and instead create a "product review" page which would fit my needs all about. There's some intellect to be found floating around here!!  :clap:  :think:
THP-  Thanks, and know that I did include the poem title, just sounded right....
Crispee-FL - Thanks
Edmick - Thanks