SFRB Brown moruga scorpion

I have a SFRB of brown moruga (just picked) for sale. I can mail first thing in am if anyone contacts me. PM is best. I'll forward my paypal address to you when contacted. 20$/box:

I have another box of brown moruga available. Just picked. I can mail before 4:30 pm ET if anyone replies. Just PM if interested. 20$/box..I pay the shipping. If no one replies today, I can mail first thing in morning too:

Two more SFRBs of Brown moruga, just picked, ready to go. I'm around all day and can mail today. PM if interested. 20/SFRB:


There comes a time in one's life when one has to let the dog off the leash and let him run.
This is America, and today we see currency manipulation, government subsidies, cheap labor, substandard safety practices, political correctness, and....boxes of peppers coming out of the Mountains of China at 3$/box. Hmmmmmmmm.
This is not the cue for the flag-flyers to inundate my message box with boxes of roses, hoses, noses, foeses,.......sweet Moses.....or any other kind of fruity-fairy-dust-type-jazz.

As an old traveler who understands, when in Rome......I will take in the Colusium...,,when I walk into a bar here...and Otis and the Knights are playing, I learned a long time a drink.....and sit down.... and stay a while.....and just enjoy my day.

As such, I will be visiting my local American PO tommorrow by 12 noon EST, and have 2 SFRBs of brown moruga $18/box or....2/30$....ill cover shipping.

Please allow me to tuck the kiddies in, shut the door, go....have a Coke or a smoke...and allow somebody to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

I will tell you...these baby's are hot-to-trot, and definately not Chinese peppers.
So, PM me if interested. Payment by paypal.
-Do yourself a favor and help support the pension of the local mail person who retires at 50- and BUY AMERICAN!
JustTina said:
Do you have any more brown Moruga for sale?  I'm a fool for chocolate pods.  All my plants got washed away in the floods :tear: 
I just went out to the garden and I have 2 more SFRBs of brown moruga available. 17$ ea or 2/30$. Payment by PayPal. PM me if anyone's interested. Michael