SFRB Mixed Supers: 40 chiles!

SFRB...$20 shipped CONUS.

These are from my 2nd fruiting...we get a double harvest in Texas. :)

Plants still going strong, so let me know if you're looking for more of one particular in the near future.

Naga Morich, and Congo Black pods were huge in the first fruiting, and smaller for the 2nd go 'round. They are still on par for heat, and flavor may actually be a bit better than earlier in the season.

The "Naga X" (a cross) has similar flavor and heat as the Morich...but a bit sweeter, and a touch less heat. I've received a lot of positive feedback from previous buyers that it was their favorite of the mixed lot...that, and the hot red jalapenos...they'll suprize ya!


oct peppers for sale1.JPG
Thanks...I diced a small red fatalii over my meatloaf last night, and about fell off the couch. Maybe I grabbed a baby morich by mistake...but regardless, my pepper-patch has been amazing this year!
hahahahahahahaha i guess that fatalii was pretty hot lol yeah it looks like you had great plants this year

those naga x's look pretty cool wish i had some money to but up this lot are you planning on growing them next year?
Those are Jamaican Yellows, aka Yellow Lantern, aka Jamaican Hot Yellows. They are tasty...and deceptively hot. I planted 15 of them, and pull at least a pound a week of these yellows.

Next year has a big question mark...may not get to grow at all...moving across country in the middle of the season.
Yeah...they pack a punch...and the flavor is unmatched. I wish I had half a dozen plants of those. I have one that's about 5' tall, and produced ok...and I have 2 more smaller ones that didn't start producing until late. If I get to grow next year...I'm cranking out more Black Nagas, more Naga Morich, and anything else Naga I can get my hands on. I have to say they are my favorite as far as the ultra's are concerned. Bonnets would be my #1 "hot"...but my Aussie destroyed all 23 seedlings I had. Probably not growing any Trinidad varieties next year ('cept yellow)...don't care much for the flavor of the red trini's (7-pot, scorpion, morouga, etc).

Anyway...who's taking this box home? Gotta ship by Tuesday, so I'll take offers...or trade for a SFRB of bonnets...LOL.
I unloaded them yesterday...but I can very easily pack up another one (or two or three) on Sunday, and send them out Monday.