Runing this again for every man,woman,or animal in the lower 48 that isn't named Chris aka cmpman1974!! Hahaha I'm sure you know why Chris. Offering up a *free* sfrb of supers to the first person to guess the number I have in my head right now. Number must be between 0-100. Any tie results in both parties getting a box. Offer ends at 9 pm EST 9/24
Box will include primos,brains,indian carbon bhuts,nagas,yellow 7,etc.....
Pods in picture may not be in your box. I will be picking new stuff today. Only ship pods that are in top shape.
Box will include primos,brains,indian carbon bhuts,nagas,yellow 7,etc.....
Pods in picture may not be in your box. I will be picking new stuff today. Only ship pods that are in top shape.