shade Shadecloth

I am already thinking about next season and have started to sketch some designs for my setup. I am thinking about going with a 20'X15' semi-raised bed (about 6", but a deep till with this years soil). This will give me the ability to have about 5 rows with about 2.5' spacing. So, I live in eastern NC and it is not uncommon for the temps to get over 100 this time of year. Right now I am battling the whole droopy plant syndrome thingy, and I am thinking about building a pole system to put up a retractable shade cloth.

My questions are....

Has anyone had experience with shade cloth, and if so what brands/percent/color seemed to work or vice versa?

Will shading the plants have a reverse effect by not giving them enough sun?

Do different peppers seem to have different reactions to shade, i.e. bells and sweet peppers need full sun and superhots need more shade?

Should you wait until the temps hit enough to wilt them to pull out the shade, or just have it up all season?

Could watering mid-day with a dripline or similar negate the need for shade by giving them a "boost" when it is hottest out (assuming there are no splashes on the leaves, just hitting the base, etc.?

I know this is a lot of info, but any feedback would be great!


this is the man to ask about shade cloth
I live in the "valley of the sun", so shade cloth is a must for me in the summer.

Has anyone had experience with shade cloth, and if so what brands/percent/color seemed to work or vice versa? I get mine at home depot or lowes but im sure you can get it cheaper online. its called Easy Gardener Saddle Tan Sun Screen Shade Cloth

Will shading the plants have a reverse effect by not giving them enough sun? You said your plants were wilting so giving them some shade will help and not hurt. the cloth i use claims to drop the temps by up to 15 degrees

Do different peppers seem to have different reactions to shade, i.e. bells and sweet peppers need full sun and superhots need more shade? All my plants like the shade, i havent found a plant that can take "full" sun here in the summertime

Should you wait until the temps hit enough to wilt them to pull out the shade, or just have it up all season? I have mine up all summer long untill it gets cool out.

Could watering mid-day with a dripline or similar negate the need for shade by giving them a "boost" when it is hottest out (assuming there are no splashes on the leaves, just hitting the base, etc.? Yes i usually go out and water them around 2pm when its the hottest time of the day, it really cools the plants down. Ive found out that the splashes of water have no ill effects when your growing under shade cloth. i soak the leaves and everything, i even spray the cloth to cool it down